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Everything posted by bowers1986

  1. Try some bread....Lol ................(Kidding)
  2. Cracking Pictures :clapper: :clapper:
  3. Unsure which collie would be the best in ability but the bearded collie always produce some nice pups when put to a greyhound or whippet etc due to the pups been mostly broken coated but on the other hand Looks arnt everything ?
  4. Every week or so I read about dogs getting stolen from back gardens etc....Its getting out of control..These people want Shooting ..You got a picture so we know what to look out for?
  5. The first picture is a cracking pup
  6. Not my cuppa tea but I take my hat off to you for trying it out... :sick:
  7. Because they've got nothing better to do apart from lurk in hedgerows and ruin peoples days....There the lowest of Low!! :censored:
  8. Just wondering if anyone has a Saluki Bitch forsale? or knows of anyone with one forsale?Willing to pay Top price for right bitch.Ive asked a few times in other threads but had no reply.Im also willing to travel just about anywhere,would prefer older bitch but a pup would be considered.Pm any details~~~Thanks in Advance~~ :thumbs:
  9. He's right mate....... ,,I no where theres 3 greyhounds looking for homes one 2 year old dog and two 3 year old bitches and they come with all documentation ??...All depends if you wanna go down that route really?what you looking to spend any way?
  10. The cluson is an ideal lamp for rabbits,,,as for the battery life just purchase a battery that suits your needs..checkout arthur carters website.
  11. Anyone on this forum no of a Saluki bitch thats up forsale?Willing to travel just about anywhere and pay Top price..PM me details.....Cheers ^_^ ^_^
  12. :11: All your Bumps have been removed Hiaker back down to 5 pages now?? You got that camera lead found yet
  13. You got any Pictures of them so we Know what to look out for mate???
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