Unsure which collie would be the best in ability but the bearded collie always produce some nice pups when put to a greyhound or whippet etc due to the pups been mostly broken coated but on the other hand Looks arnt everything ?
Every week or so I read about dogs getting stolen from back gardens etc....Its getting out of control..These people want Shooting ..You got a picture so we know what to look out for?
Just wondering if anyone has a Saluki Bitch forsale? or knows of anyone with one forsale?Willing to pay Top price for right bitch.Ive asked a few times in other threads but had no reply.Im also willing to travel just about anywhere,would prefer older bitch but a pup would be considered.Pm any details~~~Thanks in Advance~~ :thumbs:
He's right mate....... ,,I no where theres 3 greyhounds looking for homes one 2 year old dog and two 3 year old bitches and they come with all documentation ??...All depends if you wanna go down that route really?what you looking to spend any way?