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Everything posted by bowers1986

  1. bowers1986


    :welcomeani: :welcomeani: :welcomeani:
  2. Strong Looking Dogs...Good luck with the Pup
  3. Bumps the thread to the top of the list
  4. I would say £1000 for any air rifle is far far to expensive,,Im sure if you shop around you can get a far better deal on a gun for this type of money or even better just stick with the gun you've already got....End of day its your decision
  5. Keep us updated...Im intrigued to see if you catch anything
  6. Nice dog mate,,,,,Good Luck with him
  7. I actually no a lad selling a pure bred Italian greyhound pup,,,,,Dont think you can get much smaller than that,although Ive never heard of them been worked?but don't see why they couldn't do the job on small quarry such as rabbit
  8. You could always try a more skilled method of snaring them,,,,What ever you choose Good Luck
  9. What ever you go for,,,Get some good All Terrain tyres and you'll be Ok,,I have a defender 90 myself and just put some 265 Insa turbo special tracks on,,,Its now invincible off road although these tyres are % off and 20 % on road so you probably wanna go with something a little quieter on road as myn now sounds like a tank,,,all the best
  10. Cracking Looking dog :clapper:
  11. Go for a fenn trapp and set it where they run in/out,,these are far more effective than a cage trap unless your wanting to keep em alive??
  12. Was this originally a Contract phone or Pay as you go....Cheers
  13. Go all the way and get a Defender,,,Ive heard some bad stories of the Frontera and even more of the earlier freelanders(Design flaw with the head gaskets,do a search in google and you'll see)
  14. Cracking Thread,,,,,Keep em coming :clapper: :clapper:
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