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Everything posted by bowers1986

  1. My old Saluki greyhound bitch had 13 a few years back,,
  2. Good Stuff,,,Hope its the 1st of many
  3. If you fail to sell him on here,I would put him in the countryman's weekly,Your sure to get the asking price if advertising in there.If I remember correctly its £40 for a sixteenth of a page but if you email them they'll send you there ad rates card with all the prices on.
  4. Price is in the Title mate,,," 3/4 grey 1/4 collie, £70 durham"
  5. Nice looking dog,,Someone will pick up a Bargain here.Hope you find him a Good working home ATB
  6. Cracking Litter,,Wish you all the best in finding them new homes
  7. Just out of Curiosity ,,do you have any pictures of Sire & Dam and what heights this dog standing at?
  8. Sites like this Really P*SS ME OFF :realmad: :realmad: :realmad:
  9. A trial to see the dog work in the field seems fair and genuine,And anyone paying that Type of money would naturally want to see him Perform(I Know I would),Hope he goes to a good working home . ATB
  10. I never said that a German Shepard cross wasn't a good bit of breeding,As said previously im not in a situation to comment on this cross due to not working one myself or seeing/hearing of anyone working one.I was questioning the sale ability of the pups produced from this cross
  11. Theres a handful of sight hounds/lurcher's you could put over her,,what will the pups be worked on?? are you wanting to produce a fox dog,hare dog or an all rounder??????I would personally go for a well known cross,this way you should have no problem selling the pups on,Id Stay away from any new crosses such as German Shepard greyhounds etc etc,Im not saying German Shepard greyhounds are bad,as i couldn't really comment as Ive never seen one actually work.But sale able for a fair price,Im not so sure?I remember a good while back seeing this cross advertised in the countryman's weekly for a cra
  12. what lines is he bred out of??More information please
  13. :11: Thats deffinently not something you see Everyday
  14. when split with our lass i used to live in loftus for a while , ZETLAND ROAD , i soon moved back to hartlepool :11: :11:
  15. Cracking looking terrier Takman,,Im not far from you (Loftus),,Hope you find him a good working home
  16. Sounds like a Bargain for £300,,Hope she goes to a good working home
  17. I would never of guessed bull cross?..Nice looking pup though,Be nice to see what he looks like at around 12months old
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