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Everything posted by bowers1986

  1. Cracking bitch "merle24" how old is she?
  2. This pup was bred out of my recent litter,,Heres the link to the original forsale topic CLICK HERE!! This is your bitch aged around 3 weeks old She's looking well mate,what she standing at? Myself ,Hob_Ferret,Craggers2008,Brockbart- members from this site all have the Siblings to your pup.I also own the sire,pictured below
  3. The Question you've gotta ask yourself is: Whats it mainly gonna be worked on? If its mainly rabbits your probably best off with a BedlingtonXwhippet or CollieXgreyhound or WhippetXgreyhound or something along those lines.If your after a dog for Hares go for a Saluki greyhound or Deerhound greyhound or similar cross. Suppose it also comes to down to personal preference.. Bare in mind though to stay within the law you can only hunt rabbits and rats in england and wales with dogs since the Hunting Act 2004
  4. This topic will no doubt open up a can of worms,with mixed responses. Ive personally seen Deerhound Greyhounds course hares, and was rather impressed. Id say they deffinently have there uses just like any other working lurcher. Each to there own I suppose but Id consider having a Deerhound greyhound in my kennel in the future for sure.
  5. Give her time mate let her be a pup first,,,Im guessing your talking about the litter mate to my pup, hob_ferrets pup,craggers2008's pup and brockbarts pup bred out of my recent litter??.Get some pictures posted up mate,be nice to see how she's doing
  6. Great stuff mate,,,look forward to seeing pictures,,,
  7. Sorry to hear that mate,,The dog was a cracker and showing real progress,,all the best with the new pup
  8. what dog did ya get in the end then jordy
  9. I'll say this to you mate: Once you've got yourself a dog that's catching rabbits you'll look around you and notice all the other quarry out there to catch ! My advice would be to choose a dog that will be capable of taking other quarry as well. You'll have the dog for at least 9-10 years and I reckon in that time as you both get older you'll end up hunting other quarry whether you choose to or not ! All the best Brummy Superb Advice
  10. Cracking Looking pups paul,,Hope you find them all Good working Homes.
  11. Good write up and cracking pictures mate
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