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Everything posted by davyt63

  1. Defo coming down this time davy iv not got any other option Si will kill me if i dont lol and i think your well over due a hand shake from me mate . and the next rifle we donate will be deliver,d in person Im thinking along the lines of a old air sporter this time or a mk1,97k atvbjimmy :thumbs: Hi Jimmy Yes it would be good to see you buddy,and a great donation guys. We was just talking Friday night about venues and dates,and whether we shall do two this year,but which ever happens,it's always a good crack!
  2. Bring it on lads,will be good to catch up.
  3. Pmsl!?? That sticker is awesome!? Shoot n see birch wood & casey ? Always here to help John,it's not rocket science fettling but will improve the recoil somewhat. The key to spring rifle shooting,is consistency with everything . Hold Eye relief Trigger control Follow through Breathing But once you get them all right,it is so much rewarding. At black cat club we can only encourage good shooting,which was proven today with one of our members shooting 73/80 in the CSFTA winter league. And you are 100% right it is a challenge Spring rifle shooting,onwards and upwards bud
  4. In this pic you can see the pionts of contact,which you need to address for mirror polishing.
  5. You don't really want to use WD 40 near your rifle,as it will fade the bluing.use a de-greaser from a aresol can or in liquid form white spirits,or the like as this will evaporate fast and leave no residue. Lint free cloths are good for wiping and cleaning the parts,or just plain kitchen towel . You need to strip the rifle,just watch the circlip,as this little fecker can go awol. Take all grease of with an old rag,and completely degrease every part. If you have grease in the trigger unit,then you will have to take apart and de-grease, top sear head needs a mirror polish where guid
  6. Hi Si Personally I would of stuck with the TX,but the HW95 isn't a bad replacement,I have one myself plus a TX. What you will find is they can be a bit hold sensitive,but once mastered just as accurate and not so heavy as the TX. Enjoy buddy.
  7. It's an easy fix buddy,and easy to get to.
  8. Hi Rabid On the bolt housing,there is the cam plate cover,loosen the three screws and re tighten (hand tight) them but don't over tighten them,this should sort out the cocking action. Other alternatives would be to polish the bolt and degrease and regrease all moving parts with some moly. Or the guide rail has a muck on it restricting the hammer from moving back freely,when cocking the bolt. But 9/10 it will be the cam plate is to tight,restricting it's movement. Hope this helps?
  9. davyt63


    I wonder? Do you think we will see nipple time,when Ed Harris"man in black" rapes Delores . I think it's going to get messy!
  10. i take it you two have been fettling in the man cave davy atb si Just a little fettle,on the 97 it was a tad harsh,but all sorted now buddy.
  11. Nice shooting Jon,good ole TX's lets hope ya 97 performs the same size groups now. Hope to see you at the club Saturday?
  12. In the man cave tomorrow evening if you want to pop over with the 97 Jon.
  13. Nice groups Si,just be careful guys lubing your pellets,as it will increase energy by half foot pound and a little more,so if your at high elevens then you will be close to the limit.
  14. Did you get the chance to have a few shots of it Davy . and thats a good amount of money for a good course WELL DONE atvbmac :thumbs: PS we are all ready looking for the next one for you Hi Mac I didn't buddy as it was a prize,thought best not to in the end. Yes we are pleased with the amount raised.going to do good thing for the charity.
  15. Thanks Simon for the donation,and thanks Mac for your time,it was greatly recieved and is in my possession ready to send to its new owner,thanks guys we had a great week end and we have raised £3850 for our charity,Royal British legion Liverpool Street .
  16. I ain't got a scooby I just hope when I die,that Joanne doesn't sell them for,what I told her I payed for them,lol.
  17. Nice one guys! Hope to see you the weekend.
  18. That was my first pistol,look forward to the refurb.
  19. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/calendar/event/305-vhtv-meet/
  20. Nice to speak to you both this evening (Simon & Mac) OK folks as promised I have details of the Pay Pal account. For those of you that would like to purchase a VHTV August meet ticket & Raffle tickets For the SFS Forgotten hero .25, Brocock Compatto .177, Rat works tuned rifle .177. Diana Original 52 .22 (Donated by Simon Brown & refurbished by Big Mac,both from Thehuntinglife forum) For those who would just care to donate money to our 2 charities. I've chatted to Si this evening and we have agreed on £5.00 per raffle ticket. The Pay Pal address as follows:
  21. Thanks so much guys it's really generous from you all, would be great if you can make it guys, would be a good crack and banter! And a little bit of shooting to, lol Hope you can make it?
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