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Everything posted by davyt63

  1. Thanks every one for your comments 190 bar it is then many thanks davy
  2. nice cock al is that a sweet 16 you have there
  3. my mate is using a Remington rimfire im using AA tx200hc with nv & AA s410 very successful team we make
  4. me and my mate dave last of 2007, first of 2008
  5. fox 2007 the rest 2008 .just got back a good 2 1/2 hours work
  6. hi ricardo has this light got a adjustible light control on it.like a dimmer YES ITS ON THE BACK OF THE LAMP its not on the controler then?how much you asking for it? GOT TO BE WORTH ABOUT £50 AINT IT??? £50 including p&p ? my mate has one with the dimmer im trying out tomoro night.i will get back to you PS how is your father
  7. hi ricardo has this light got a adjustible light control on it.like a dimmer YES ITS ON THE BACK OF THE LAMP its not on the controler then?how much you asking for it?
  8. hi ricardo has this light got a adjustible light control on it.like a dimmer
  9. hi gaz on industrial estates you have a public access but the public access ends then your on private property. once you get permission in writing from the private land owner. just drive round & bowl em over. usually it is night shooting though so best to inform the police it been an industrial estate & all. hope this helps Davy
  10. hi gaz you can also try hotels and industrial estaetes but must have insurance & inform local police to log your there cos the last thing you want is the armed responce unit on your ass.wich happened to me .but had written permission also insurance on me at the time so it allway pays to take it every where you go all the best davy
  11. was the gun in a case & unloaded?
  12. Bloody hell look at the size of Miss 25 past's tits you took the words right out of my mouth kay
  13. slap wrist for u stu . how you getting on with the gamo?
  14. hi slipstream i have AA tx200hc & AA s410 both .22 been very succesfull with AA diabolo hunter pellets . all the best davy
  15. its a carbine understand [bANNED TEXT] your sayingi think the others are right . but good point though going to fill it up and have some fun? thanks davy
  16. hi rex in the book is says for the s400 is between 100 110 bar .but this being a s410 the only difference is the single shot and 10 shot . im sure [bANNED TEXT] i got it it had 150 bar in it. how certen are you rex & thank for your reply davy hi mate you can fill the 410 ten shot to 190 bar you can actually fill it to 210 bar but this is pushing it 'stick to 190 bar to be safe. called at gun shop yesterday to get a new gauge and adapter to fill my air arms he told me if you fill over 210 bar you will damage the cylinder in the gun and this will cost quid to repair .so really dont
  17. hi rex in the book is says for the s400 is between 100 110 bar .but this being a s410 the only difference is the single shot and 10 shot . im sure [bANNED TEXT] i got it it had 150 bar in it. how certen are you rex & thank for your reply davy
  18. welcome john my name is davy English born IRISH BLOOD Based in wiltshire
  19. hi just got a cylinder for me s410 read the manul.can i put more than 110 bar of air in it? can ant one give adivse please many thanks davy
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