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Everything posted by Coywolf

  1. scotch and whisky is that better......lol
  2. what do people prefer Irish or Scotch whisky...... personally, i prefer the Irish whiskey over Scotch whisky, Bushmills for me..... Irish or Scotch?.......
  3. that pic of the one i put up had a price of £12 i think it was.....i wouldn't say your one is junk, but you probably couldn't retire off of it just yet....lol put it on the shelf for now until you find out more information on the one you have.....like you said...auction house, antique shops, dealers etc.
  4. here's one similar to yours..... Vintage Carlton Ware Tobacco Jar Floral Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
  5. i would say it's an old ash tray....i reckon you turn the top to empty the ash and butts into it....you get modern ones that act the same.....
  6. ouch!!....bloody hell mate that looks bad.....did you break a rib or two.....
  7. i saw that as well an thought it was a pigeon.....lol lol
  8. on the left by that pile of boards and posts....
  9. welcome back bud....were have you been.....lol
  10. what a shame.....she made some good songs.....R.I.P....Anna Mae Bullock....
  11. i think that is a bit to lean a mix for an old air cooled engine at 50.1 mate....
  12. thanks bud for your research on this.....much appreciated mate......
  13. thanks for that mate....i have swapped the 1975 dt engine for an 1980 mx engine, i am using the dt carb on the mx.....on the mx it doesn't have that cylinder inlet.....maybe i need a mx carb....
  14. hi paulus, when you say a pain in the arse....do you mean unreliable or inconsistent.....have you had one fail and damage a motor, also what premix ratio did you run, people say for safety run at 32.1 and others say 40.1 would be fine.....
  15. thanks bud....much appreciated....
  16. thanks bakerboy.....that's a big help bud...
  17. thanks arry, just what i need for any other info bud....this service manual didn't come up over here when i was trying to find any answers mate.....thanks bud
  18. i have been fixing up an old 1975 dt100 enduro motorbike which i dragged out of a scrap yard a few years ago....it was totally seized up, i did eventually manage to get the head/barrel off after a hard job and it needs a top end rebuild the crank was fine....the engine is now sitting on the shelf ready to work on at a later date..... after some research an mx100 engine is a bit more lively and bolts straight in....so i did find an 1980 engine in America that i had it sent to me, i opened it up to check it was all good which it was....clean bore no scores good piston and rings....it was .2
  19. lol......only on the weekends though.....lol lol
  20. this is like my mates truck.....
  21. i think you might be right bud.....
  22. nah....i will pass on that....this is the river not far from me which is salt/fresh tidal water in the winter and -25 degrees..... they do have a polar bear swims at christmas time that we use to go an watch....mind you we always stood around a massive firepit....lol nice in the summer though the bass come in up to 30-40lb....
  23. i have been looking at some metal detectors recently and stumbled upon this one which hasn't been out that long....they are getting some really good reviews from all over the globe from the pro's....and at a very decent price for what you are getting....anyone heard of these...... Nokta Makro Simplex+ Waterproof Metal Detector
  24. good luck bud....should be a breeze for you { no pun intended...lol } as you sailing your own boat......
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