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Everything posted by Coywolf

  1. what about if you applied for an eco friendly of the grid property....would that be a route to research?
  2. Coywolf

    Honda 350

    thats the over flow pipe that dosen't connect to anything, it just hangs down through to the floor, it sounds like your float needle isn't shutting of your fuel...take the float bowl off of the bottom and check the float is closing the float needle and the float itself is in good shape....then make sure the float needle is seated right in the hole....could have some crapin the float needle hole that the fuel is not shutting off allowing the fuel to keep running.....
  3. my mate use to live in south Africa, he had to have metal bars up at the windows to keep the blacks and monkeys out of the house.....they also had a few dogs a weimaraner and a boeboel....for security, he also couldn't work as it wasn't safe for a white guy, but his wife could work....after there kid was born it became apparent to them that how unsafe it was to bring up there child so they transferred through her job to Canada.... but...they did say that where they was, was beautiful, warm all year round....they had a lovely glass fronted house with a swimming pool on the beach front
  4. Coywolf


    nice plug kanny....i will have to give them ago sometime, do you make them from scratch or are they in a kit form and then you paint them....
  5. on the news this morning, they said there probably wouldn't be any inquires or questions about this as it was in international waters and the life guards have no jurisdiction on these waters.....so it could be a closed case quite quickly.....
  6. Coywolf


    Thanks mate.....
  7. Coywolf


    pretty much the same here bud.....i think it is a good way to get your products out to a bigger audience but the cost and travelling for us would be a hassle too...... word of mouth is a good way to get trade....my wife puts a business card in every bag when someone buys something and we drop them into the local restaurants, stores, pub, etc. we have had people contact us from hundreds of km away to see if we would like to sell their products in our shop through word of mouth.....but we take it as it comes really..... Tilly....
  8. Coywolf


    we thought about doing that ourselves last year to mate, but the postage here costs a fortune to send stuff out....all we do now is advertise local to us now.....good shout though bud.....
  9. i'm not really sure where mate, maybe i'm thinking of something else....i'll see if i can find out what i was thinking of......
  10. hi Mack, isn't there something like this in New Zealand that runs the same, (on a smaller scale) that supply's a lot of energy, have you seen it....
  11. i think we are lucky here Arry, we have our own drilled well water, so....no hosepipe bans and no water bills plus we don't get that big shot of chlorine to clean the pipes..... The ground here is made up from iron stone rocks that the water filters through, so every now and then we get some discolouration in the toilet, but it is easy to clean off.... we run the water through a filter jug, after that it is crystal clear, really cold fresh spring water ready for drinking.... Tilly....
  12. Coywolf


    thanks mate...... Tilly..
  13. Coywolf


    some more that i did a while ago......trying my hand at some eagles and a crow.....
  14. Coywolf


    Thanks Eddie....it can be fun, we meet quite a few people at times, have a natter and a laugh, we get people from right a cross America drop in on there travels to Canada, some of the same people drop in year after year to see us which is really nice, could you not set yourselves up somewhere to sell your products.....i saw some of your traps and signs from your pics previously on this thread and they look pretty good mate..... Tilly....
  15. Coywolf


    hi Mack, bloody hell they are big crystals mate.......the wife loved the look of them but she said she didn't have enough wire to wrap them...lol lol we have got quite a few different types of stones here which i think they came in from Ontario....my aunty got them in at some point...... how's it going Mack....away on your travels.....lol
  16. Coywolf


    hi Eddie, we sell a bit of most things really, nothing expensive.....we make our own stuff....i turn bowls, ornaments on lathe, chopping blocks, planters, bird tables/houses, things like that, my wife does a bit of painting, and she makes costume jewellery were she wraps crystal stones pendants, bracelets, ear rings, and so on....there's also t shirts, baseball caps....soaps, candles smellies etc, .....we also buy things in from garage sales/ closing down sales if we think they would sell....things for kids....we also have a small hill billy section lol.....like a mobile phone made out of wood
  17. things happen for a reason mate.....and you was meant to meet the owner when you did.....good luck mate....
  18. Coywolf


    hi mate, i have done a few more since....but been a bit busy doing other things at the moment....you know how it is bud....my wife and i have our own craft shop that is seasonal so that takes up a lot of our time during the summer months... come off season i will be doing my things again..... Tilly....
  19. Coywolf


    hi kanny, did you ever get a bigger compressor sorted out.....or done any art work..... Tilly
  20. you could get jiggy in this one bud....lol....
  21. here's a nice old 1941 Chevy and a mercury...
  22. yeah....your probably right bud....there's no side impact bars, air bags or seat belts in that bugger....lol lol
  23. nice trucks bud.....i would imagine 20 ish if you were just posing around....it's not that heavy, single cab swb......if you drove it like you stole it probably 8 ish......lol my wife's dodge ram 5.7 v8 crew cab did clock up 22 mpg on a run....but they go more on how many litres per 100 km's as a reading on fuel millage.... our motorhome was 38ft and had a 6.8 v10 which did around 10 ish but if you had some hills to climb it went down....it took £400 to fill it up.....lol I've got an old truck with a single cab....7.3 v8 diesel which does around 24 ish which isn't a lot for a di
  24. here's a couple that caught my eye at a car show....lol
  25. yes, i also enjoy a bourbon from time to time....i like a Jack Daniels....
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