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Everything posted by ferreting

  1. so any one intrested or not i take my gun my local gun to get it filled for £1.00
  2. oh yeah i forgot to add its got a 10 shot magaizine adapter on mate
  3. hi all i am selling my logun solo due not been used. everthing be ok on the gun works fine £300 silencer best one on the market and the scope is very good aswell. Any one intrested thanks ferreting
  4. hi all i am selling my logun solo due not been used. everthing be ok on the gun works fine £340 silencer best one on the market and the scope is very good aswell. thanks ferreting
  5. heres a few pics of mist and she is colliexgrey practising stay and retreiving.
  6. here are a few pics of my dad dog it is 3/4 grey 1/4 bull 1/4 collie
  7. sorry mate hope he recovers soon as possiable
  8. nice dog mate just like my dog what breed is she or her
  9. no mate sorry i will have a look on the net for you.
  10. got it from a gamefair for bout 40 quid
  11. finally we could get out has the hard frost went and the feilds were soft enough to lamp. So we got to the feilds and they had muck spread the feilds and we both known that there wouldn be much nothing in the first feild or 2 but in last feild there was a decant sqatter so we went for it slip mist on it she nailed it as it was just bout to turn off and be a goner. So the night wasnt really that bad and its fed the ferrets for a few days thanks ferreting
  12. blazerlight never brake good for the money and little torch on them for jumping over fences and gates
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