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Everything posted by wheaten

  1. so i guess he picked a russel then! NO ..WIND YOUR NECK IN WHEATON. HE PICKED A SMOOTH BLACK NUTTALL TYPE AND SMART DOG AT THAT . Lol wind my neck in your having a giraffe ain't you
  2. Them Horses are grand, but draw the line when it comes to riding them lol Shetland might be ok something i can put me feet down on
  3. Looking forward to the show, just sorting out my water proofs just incase
  4. hi i suffered from bad seizures after i had a brain tumour but they still gave me my firearms including my 22 pistol i think i had t be 2yrs clear ATB
  5. tut tut so close but yet so far away
  6. Third from the right.my pick Is the small one a red herring ? nice try but try again small one aint she a belter! she was half size if not smaller from day 1,
  7. Well lads there is a American walker x July hound amongst that lot come on Francolin which one
  8. Damn it thats me out of it then!!! Was even going to go to the extent of having a shave... lol YOU HAVE STILL GOT BUM FLUFF.ALSO NO HAIR ON YOUR HEAD LIKE ME. No Hair on my head is by choice! unlike yrs wher it just dont grow lol
  9. thats a great pic wheaten,is that your new plummer terrier 3rd from left, Plummer Terriers are way out my league Francolin! I'll stick to the jibbers i;ve got
  10. Well Francolin i dont know why yr asking you've been penciled in from day one
  11. Woodland Foxhounds second litter going off to there new homes! Phew says our huntsman
  12. Yes had conformation off the badge company will be delivering badges on the 27th july. Higun we hopefully going to get a good turn out.
  13. well i'm glad you brought this up as you was looking alittle scuffy end of last season lol
  14. yes thought it would mean something with a hound from the pack on instead of some random hound. swing park was empty! francolin you must of been on the prowl
  15. There will be 200 hundred made, and will be on sale at the show it will be 1st come 1st served!
  16. This is our new hunt badge, to mark the start of our first season as Woodland Foxhounds. This is of one of our own hounds- Magic.
  17. Damn it thats me out of it then!!! Was even going to go to the extent of having a shave... lol
  18. Registered! mmm Not thought of that, i'm sure the MFHA will be on the phone soon i mean come on who wouldnt want such a up and comin pack representing them. lol even talks bout going on horseback once a month
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