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Everything posted by wheaten

  1. Ali And it doesn't mean that it's a good hunt just because they have been round for such a long time! We have a hunt round us that ain't worth a toss now! And all that keeps it going is a amateur master huntsman that hasn't got a clue but is willing to put money up to keep it going.
  2. Spindolero We don't want them and us your right but wether you like it or not there is!!! The hunts local to us would and have tried to drop us in trouble sayin we not hunting within the law lol and there out with 25 couple and 40 + horses. Ali To say I'm in the same league as the rifle brigade your having a laugh!!!
  3. totally agree dont like to type this but you are 100% right, bloody hell let me print that off francolin they always say theres a first for everything!!! Stando you no too well the huntstaff are thought little of even tho the terriermen supply most of the sport for these packs! we went on different parts of the country last year and had 3 packs ringing up complaing saying we shouldnt be there as its there hunt country, o and we had full permission off landowner/keeper united we stand what a load of b***ocks thed sell us down the river so long as they could carry on jolling round the cou
  4. You know the problem with these registered packs whether they be with mfha or any other. they think the land they hunt is theres, and no one else should be allowed to go on with hounds! They not that bothered that things are getting shot by everyone, they just don't want the mere likes of us with a few hounds doing a better job than what they can do! Even tho we are probably more committed than 99% of the stuck up tossers!!! Rant over Long live the rebel packs !!!!
  5. Coyotehunter With you been in hunt service, then you should also know that at this time of year there are dog foxes coming in from all over for a vixen , and yr right in what you say a lot of the time foxes run the same way, but you drop on a dog that has come in he's going to head straight for home and if that means across a road or railway then that's where he going!! ATB
  6. Well as has already been said, accidents can happen to anyone & if this is a concern for you I suggest you give up hunting. I imagine you'd be the first to leg it if it came on top......folk like you are not needed, maybe we should look at using border collies instead of hounds, I doubt the results would be the best but I reckon the obedience side would be second to none Haha border collie's might cast out alittle too far for him!!!
  7. No matter how many lads u have out with you and not just lads who come out now n again I mean lads who have grown up with hounds accidents can still happen!
  8. How easy this can happen! And any of us who runs hounds know's it! ATB. Wheaten
  9. well well well we talking about the infamous rockwood are we, lower than a snakes belly comes to mind! All i can say is its a good job the boys are united as one and no matter what bullshit is churned up by the hunt.... ATB Wheaten
  10. yep at least you don't have to be choosey on what you put your chuckney on you got that much you can put it on your cearal lol.
  11. I would like to thank all who supported us on our 1st harvest, great night had by all i think. some need to stick to playiny with ther catty's! yes you no who im talkin bout spuing in the toilets lol
  12. mark think you owt to get intouch to see if we'd like it back!!! sean said he was speaking to you while he was down your way and you never mentioned it or he would of fetched him back with him. get intouch with sean thanks
  13. So how much are they. Hehee
  14. Is this a pup that you had off us mark?
  15. What a load of tosh| 58% say no hunting should not be legal!
  16. Like a banty cock! sounds like the dancing he was doing Sunday night lol
  17. Don't think he a master at all to tell you truth :-P
  18. Yes been a couple of times a cracking little show
  19. Got my mini digger greased and full of fuel I'm ready this year! Liver bring it on lol
  20. Yes it turned out ok a hell of a night back at the pub half 3 [bANNED TEXT] I got in. Alot of men turned up 4 the sing song but we sent them back as boys lol A big thankyou to all who supported us and we'll see you all soon
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