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About teza

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  1. well done mate keep up the good work
  2. does he go to ground. where you located
  3. the bellman & flint is an excellent bit of equipment.
  4. were abouts in northwest are you?
  5. Electric collar. Give it a few powerful blasts, worked wonders for mates bullcross. Cheers mate got the same advice from another bloke, will give it a go.
  6. Thanks for the advice will start looking for whats available, CHEERS
  7. hi i have just bought a 12 month old terrier but he worries sheep can anyone give me any advice how to stop him.
  8. ive just got a bellman and flint locator and its miles better than debens locators. the collar is a bit on the chunchy side other than that excellent bit of equipment
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