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Everything posted by salukiwhippet

  1. Crap scissors are better than crap duffus. Good duffus are miles better than either though, and talpex kick the arse of all of em! Just my opinion, like Oh, and talpirid? What a joke - looks like something that fell out of a bloody massive christmas cracker! I normally have 50 odd traps in the truck all the time, I'd need a 7.5 tonner for 50 of them things! James
  2. I suspect it's one of those things that would be fine and dandy until someone got ill, then there'd be a proper shitstorm! Look into it, you may be OK for small quantities, but certainly worth considering. James
  3. That's ok as long as you're qualified in handling small game and the pub's a registered gamedealer....otherwise you're asking for trouble! James
  4. I'd never be without a .22lr, HMR is ok for bunnies but has a loooong way to go to catch up with .22lr in terms of stuff killed! Ammo is ridiculously dear too, I reload hornet for what my mate pays for HMR ammo. For me, .22lr for bunnies and reload .22 hornet for fox. Don't be put off by reloading, it's easy and will save you a fortune. Hornet will do everything HMR will for the same money, cheaper rifles, and is a genuine fox calibre. James
  5. Moddy problems would be top of my list, take it off and try a few groups. James
  6. DVD and wire both available from our very own John B: http://www.fourteenacre.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/index_files/Shop.htm John, my wire arrived yesterday, quick even for you, thanks!! James
  7. Had the same decision to make back in november, different circumstances and a different outcome but I have some idea what you're going through. Really sorry for you, you did what was best for the dog. James
  8. About 4 yards with the rimmy, big dogfox squeaked in by hand, he was out of focus in the scope, I had to shout to stop him! James
  9. I started a contract for a manor house last month, the whole site's maybe 2 acres, including a big house, gravel drive, outbuildings etc. I had 9 moles off there in the first 7 days, now up to 15 for the month. I'm pretty sure the first 9 were all resident, the place was a right mess. It's in a valley, and looking up the valley, I bet you can see 1000+ hills. Reckon I'll be busy for a while yet! James
  10. 175 rabs for 250 carts with 12bore off quad, and 6 foxes with .243. Bought my hornet soon after! James
  11. The length of the bullet doesn't really matter, its the ogive measurement. Softpoint bullets tend to get a bit bashed about, but it makes little to no difference for sporting use. If it bothers you, consider a swap to ballistic tips (but not for deer!!) James
  12. IMHO, HMR is not a fox calibre, especially for someone who is still learning to shoot. Definitely go for .22lr, and think about either .22WMR or .22 hornet for fox, preferably hornet. James
  13. Dear oh dear Phantom! Hope you're feeling better this morning..... James
  14. Your local Police Firearms Licensing office. Your constabulary will have contact details on their website. What are you going to apply for? James
  15. Read the pinned GW articles at the top, they tell you 99.9999% of what you can learn without actually doing it, the rest will only come with experience. Do you have any specific questions? James
  16. Just a thought, if it's rooks and jackies you're after rather than carrions, give a ladder trap some thought... James
  17. Hate shooting hares with shottie,but when I have to, I use 36gm 3's, and even then keep it under 35 yards. James
  18. Too much too young IMO - 9 months is no age at all - still a pup. Not having a go - I know how tempting 'just one more run' can be. I'd suggest no work at all for a while, then some easy ones - ferreted/myxy/young, even shot and the dog sent while the bunny's still twitching. Easy victories are the way ahead. Just MHO, James
  19. What gun is it chap? If it was designed to run at 7.5 and you try to push it to 11+, it will either fall to bits or be dog rough to shoot and innaccurate. That's assuming swept volume etc will allow you to get to 11+ in the first place (which is doubtful) James
  20. The flatpack company are the best priced for decent duffus that I've found. As for setting them, make the hole only big enough for the trap - it needs to be tight. Oddly enough, I caught a mole today which has been making me look a mug for a week or so. Guess what I caught him in? A cheap and 'orrible scissor trap which I bought when I was starting out, and only set 'cos I'd run out of duffus and talpex! Goes to show, you never know!! James
  21. Thanks Matt, Did try to PM you but I think your inbox is full! Fully appreciate that it's not easy to control a rat problem, but would feed based poison be the only line of attack in a grainstore? I can't remember the name of the contractor, I've only met him once. I think I have to give the landowner the chance to sort it in house. To be fair, the grainstore doors are shut 99% of the time, but they are open on occasion, and pheasants and songbirds have been known to sneak in for a munch. I'll have a chat with the landowner tomorrow. Many thanks for the advice. J
  22. Hi folks, Bit of a delicate one this, hoping for some advice. I help run a small shoot, and our feedstore is near the main grainstore, both of which have been infested with rats of late. We've virtually cleared out our bit with BGs and snares (57 rats in 3 weeks). There is a contractor who is supposed to control the rats. In the bays of cattle feed (oats) are open trays with poison bait in, with the spillage mixed in with the oats! I obviously need to approach the landowner about it, but would appreciate some facts before I do. I don't claim to know a great deal about poison (most o
  23. I use a Lee breechlock kit which includes scales, powder thrower, press, funnel, case trimmer, hand primer, shellholders and a few other bits: £100ish Dies: Lee 3 die set: £35ish Pilot for trimmer: £3 Think that's it. Then consumables: bullets £25/100 primers: £2.50/100 powder: £35/lb - does about 650-700 loads in .22H Cases - dunno, I use scrounged factory ones!! To start with a different calibre, you'll just need dies, a pilot and components. HTH, James
  24. As said, an integrated approach is the only way of controlling rabbits. However, if I had to pick one method for numbers killed versus equipment outlay and time, I'd have to say snaring by a skilled user. However, not all (and increasingly few) situations are suitable for snaring on a large scale nowadays. James
  25. Bit of an open question that chap. Do you include man-hours? Or take into account suitability (or otherwise) of the site for certain methods? James
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