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Everything posted by salukiwhippet

  1. Here ye go mate - 10 kilos will keep you going a while!! http://www.claygame.co.uk/Cat22Page13Shot.pdf James
  2. All of them! I'm yet to do a job where one method alone solves the problem - most require 2-3 different approaches, often more. Ferreting with purse and longnets and dogs (I was recently featured in Shooting Times doing just that), snaring and fenn trapping, and most recently shooting with NV are probably the ones I use most often. In terms of what I enjoy most, a walk with just a hob ferret, and a .410 takes some beating - though that may be because I don't have much ground that lends itself to it so don't get to do it much. James
  3. Yep, that's a tubed type, easily damaged by daylight! Even the 'pinhole' in the lens cap can let enough in to do damage. Favourite way of setting it up seems, to be a cardboard box with a candle in (and the top open to let the heat out!!) Then as your pellets strike, you get a shiny hole! Not tried it myself, mine's a digital add-on!! James
  4. In my experience, alert animals react to shot more than relaxed ones - heartshot deer who are ready to bolt tend to run before dropping, whereas if you shoot them from a seat or similar and they don't know you're there they tend to go down on the spot. Same with bunnies, if they're on alert they flip and flop but if they're relaxed they just flop over. I assume little ones are always on alert cos they're so vulnerable. My theory anyway! James
  5. With the amount of knowledge on here, I'm sure we could come up with a more humane and efficent British rabbit kill trap than those currently available to us? Who knows what's involved in getting a trap 'approved'? Costs of the process etc? James
  6. How in the course of a morning's ratting would the law be broken then? Do tell. And for your information, I have 2 lurchers and a lakeland terrier, all of which help pay my rent. I didn't even need to start the lurchers off in Pets at Home! James
  7. It is illegal to release any captured animal (including rats) for a waiting dog to kill. Beat me to it! James
  8. And that's illegal too! Have I stumbled onto stupidsuggestions.com by mistake??? Does sound like a job for a pro to be honest. James
  9. Not in organised NCC coursing - including the Waterloo Up to 3 points for the run up, 1/2 point for a wrench (turn of less than 90 degrees), 1 point for a turn (turn of more than 90deg.) No points at all for a kill. James
  10. Far too many variables to be accurate, but very roughly - £3-£3.50 per poult 3 tonne of pellet per thousand, at about £300 ton (ish, not bought any for a few years) Feed wheat - we put feed about 13-16 ton a year, at £60 (tailings) to £120 (decent wheat) a ton. Also other costs to consider, - pen repairs, diesel, meds, spares for drinkers etc. James
  11. As in physically getting the traps set? I do it as follows: Compress spring directly enough to flick the safety hook so it's holding the two arms of the spring close to each other. Use the jaws to compress the spring the rest of the way. Flick the dog (notched bit) over so that it engages with the trigger. Slowly release the tension on the jaws so the tension is transferred to the dog/trigger. Done! Hope that's clear. Much easier to be shown tbh, whereabouts are you? James
  12. James you are !!WRONG!! It is 3.81 actually :11: :friends: Phantom :clapper: Technically - 3.80907960199005, depending on the factor you divide by. So there :tongue2: James
  13. You're right up to a point Aaron but 350fps with a 14gn pellet is 3.8ft/lb. If that's correct you'd be better off feeding it to the bunnies! I think that rifle is meant to be almost full power, sounds like either your fps reading is wrong or the rifle needs some serious attention! James
  14. I'm in Chelt, whereabouts is your ground mate? Don't go posting exact locations though!! James
  15. Most of the info you need is in the GW articles, but to answer your points individually: The beats are the flattened bits of the run, where the rabbit lands. 61/2" to the bottom of the curve is a good starting height, higher in long grass. I tend to set them a wee bit lower if they're right against the hedge, but that's not a brilliant place to set, you want the bunny to be moving at speed. Doesn't seem to matter when they're set, some say early as poss to let the scent dissipate from them but I've caught in brand new snares 20 minutes after setting them! They need checking as earl
  16. Nearly... Deer bullets have to expand reliably, but you don't want them to break up, or cause too much damage - dead deer are venison after all! Varmint bullets (Vmax etc) are designed to break up. Deer bullets can make a fair mess though.... I've used tin pellets in my lightning, they were fine but expensive!! James
  17. Bugger me, they're some posh boxes!! Nice work! The traps should be placed so that the trigger is to the side of the tunnel, if that makes sense. So when unset, the jaws run parallel to the tunnel. Or at 90 degrees to how they are in your pic! Hope that's clear enough. James
  18. Not convinced that Jay pic's very wise.... James
  19. No it's not, it's criminal damage, cats are property, quite apart from the issue that a 12ft/lb airgun may well lack the oomph to kill cleanly which would open you up to a cruelty charge. Posts like that, apart from being terrible advice, bring all of us into disrepute, and adds weight to arguments for licensing airguns, to the detriment of fieldsports. James
  20. Good idea but if the cats on the fence it wont be earthed and so wont get shocked Ummm, I'd thought of that, it'll be fine as long as he keeps the fence wet... :icon_redface: James
  21. Bugger, I shot a muntjac buck yesterday...in the head unfortunately so not much use to you! I'll be out again later this week, I'll keep you in mind. I'm catching a lot of moles lately, any interest in them? They have the most teeth of all our mammals you know.... James
  22. How are they getting in? Electric fence on top of the fence could work if they're jumping it. Warn the neighbours though!!! James
  23. Now don't be silly, it's got to be the all-conquering .177(!)HMR, kills foxes at 200yards plus, so moles should be doable at what, half a mile......? James
  24. Defintely .22lr, it'll be like your right arm before long! Wouldn't bother with HMR,.22 cf will do all you ask and more. Hornet is a lovely round but you do need to homeload for them to get the best. You can get WMR semi's - ruger used to do one, as did BRNO, and I think the Remy 597 is still imported in WMR. James
  25. None really chap, you'll have to get someone with the appropriate tool in to do it. Some pesties may agree to do it if you give them warning but will charge. Whereabouts are you? James
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