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Everything posted by salukiwhippet

  1. Certainly gen 1 stuff is OK, not 100% sure about gen2 + 3 though. The tube is still active up to about 10-15 minutes after switch-off, so give it chance to settle down after use before exposing to light. James
  2. thanks james if you are looking for a day out with the rifles if your still getting one you are more than welcome to join me atb steve Thanks mate, not been out with air power for ages - .22 and .243 are busy at the moment though, and only 10 days to go before first day at the pheasants! scary stuff! James
  3. Positive mate, jackies are small with a blue eye and grey head, rooks are much bigger, all black and when mature have a white parchment type surface to the base of the beak. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackdaw http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rook_%28bird%29 James
  4. Nice shooting, but that's a jackdaw! James
  5. As promised, took the gun for a little walk with the terrier on Wednesday - two shots later and this was the result - James
  6. Thanks chaps! I'm quite pleased with it! Ric (Bjorn?? ) - I haven't fired it yet, I'm out feeding the pheasants on Wednesday so will give it a bash then, I'll try to find one of last year's cock birds and give it a proper test! James
  7. I bought a hammergun at the CLA and it was in a bit of a state to be honest - stock was under a thick layer of filth, had a broken firing pin, one of the triggers didn't work very well, and it was generally sorry.....like an arse I forgot to take pics before I started work, but here are some in progress shots... Stock nearly stripped: Stripped and wire wooled, grain looking promising: First coat of oil: Firing pin was broken, so I made a new one from 6mm rod - Top is the raw bar, middle is the new one being formed, bottom one is the good original, in it's ho
  8. Bearing in mind of course that shooting any bird apart from feral pigeons is illegal with any illuminating device... James
  9. Well every day's a schoolday!! Enjoyed that, got any more? James
  10. Teethmarks look a wee bit wide for rattus...I'm going to say squirrel! James
  11. Not done a lot of mink work but 4's are not approved for mink, nor would they be humane - many folk seem to think 6's (which are approved) are marginal and go for magnum 116's. I'd love to have a bash, I've just taken on a farm rat contract on a place with 2 miles of the Severn so hopefully will have a bash over the winter! All the best, James
  12. I have one silencer for .22lr, .22HMR and .17hmr/M2. works a charm. That's ok until you want to take a couple of rifles out at the same time. Obviously works for you though so fair do's. As for semi vs bolt, bolt action for me every time - more reliable, cheaper and often more accurate in my experience. Some folk use semis to good effect, but they're just not for me. James
  13. 1" drop at 200 yards? Are you sure Bewsher? I've got .22lr, and my shooting mate has a .17HMR. I wouldn't have an HMR. It's vastly overrated in my opinion - really expensive ammunition, noisy, very sensitive to wind drift, not enough gun for foxes on anything like a regular basis, and it does ricochet, not as much as an LR, but it still does so. People seem to buy them and try to do the job of a centrefire with them - buy a CF if that's what you need - my hornet costs less to reload than HMR stuff, is more capable in the wind, wider range of bullets, and just makes much more sense.
  14. Interesting theory, but surely if a .17 slot allows any .17 calibre then surely that would cover .17Rem and .17FB? :icon_eek: 99% sure you wouldn't get away with it in Glos! That said, I'd rather have either of them than either of the rimfire calibres - they don't seem to do much that LR won't and the hornet's everything an HMR tries to be but falls short. James
  15. Duffus type I get from flatpack, the talpex come from www.ratbait.co.uk - postage a bit more reasonable than Kilgerm as I only buy a few at a time. Underwood's stuff is very variable from batch to batch - he had some MK6 'Fenns' at a gamefair would have struggled to kill a rat, never mind a rabbit/mink. Others in the same box were just about acceptable. James
  16. Sounds like you're using the shop bought wires with the fuzzy string? If so, they tend to be very short and loosely wound so you'll end up with a small and easily knocked noose, easily leading to a lot of misses (as you've found out!) PM me your address and I'll send you a couple of proper wires, it might take me a few days though, really busy at the moment. James
  17. I've seen collies used for ratting and we used to use one wuth our bobbery pack to bush to the lurchers. Never heard of one being used for lamping, on the right ground I can see them picking up the odd one - as long as you have fun, where's the harm? Whereabouts in the Forest are you? Do you have permission to lamp on? James
  18. .22's don't always like a clean barrel, nor do they really need cleaning. As for the .22-250, that's a lot of shots in seemingly little time. My BSA .243 will put 2 bullets almost through the same hole, then the third to make about a 1" group, but any more than that in a string and it starts going horribly wrong. .22-250 is a hot calibre, let the barrel cool between shots. James
  19. Hi mate, Apart from anything else, as soon as money changes hands, your insurance (BASC, CA, NGO) etc will become invalid, and you should start doing risk assessments and all that old rubbish! Enjoy your sport for what it is, sport. As said, also get mates to chip in for juice, and maybe try a cheaper pellet? At ratting ranges most will do the job as well as the top notch brands. I use marksman roundheads for my ratting, cheap as chips! I use a low-powered Milbro that I paid £25 for, with a JSR red dot that was £3.99! Does the job better than my Ultra setup!! Enjoy! Jam
  20. And it's stupid comments like the two above that will get trapping banned. James
  21. Thoughts gents? http://www.dailymail...g-squirrel.html My own take on it is that he should be fined, nothing deserves to be drowned when there are so many better options! It's fools like him who will see all trapping banned. James
  22. Good point - I should have said, don't buy a filter! Get some filter material, about £20, and make your own up! Google 'Alana Ecology', they sell it. James
  23. We use exactly that setup for spotting - we use a deben mini pro with a filter, rabbits are spottable at yards, foxes even further. Then I have a digital add-on on my scope to take the shot. Good cheap way of getting started, battery packs can get a bit cumbersome but it's so efficient it's ridiculous! James
  24. I bought a breechlock challenger kit from reloading solutions and it's fine IMO. The powder measure doesn't like long grain powder (n160 etc), but I just weigh each charge for the .243 - it only gets used for stalking so I just do 20 rounds at a time. The measure works fine with H110 - rounds loaded with it go into 1/2" at 100 yards. I was up and running for one calibre, including components for about £220. Components are dearer now, but so's factory stuff! I'm currently saving about 60p a bang in hornet and 90p in .243. Plus I can shoot 40 grain noslers out of the hornet, as far as I know, n
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