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Everything posted by Francie,

  1. Aye Dan I'd say wee golys 5ft 4 an 18 stone haha
  2. Good offer grey,then we'll find if he's 6ft 1 an 17stone of muscle haha
  3. Francie,


    I keep myself quite fit all year round,an that was me not taking it to serious lol
  4. Francie,


    Do you know anyone with a dad bod that can do 120 pull ups in under 30 minutes
  5. How are they visible grey,do they illuminate like stars?
  6. Francie,


    Lol this is funny goly,I'm not putting no pic up fs,it's just a wind up,doesn't matter to me that your fat an overweight haha
  7. Francie,


    Lol your offering so you go first goly
  8. Francie,


    What height are you goly? If your 17 stone you must be carrying extra timber?
  9. Francie,


    Is that you at weight watchers lol
  10. Francie,


    Lol yeah I use the underhand for front of my body,if I arch back every so slightly instead of straight up it hits chest biceps an abs,wide grip are hard to start of with but the more you do the easier they get. You do t need to make excuses to me why ye can't do them goly,I know your fat that's OK,just keep trying lol
  11. Francie,


    I'm 75 kg,the heaviest iv ever been,I do the pyramid pull ups every 4 to 5 days depending on how sore I am lol 10 underhand grip,then straight after 10 wide grip,then rest depending on fitness,back in an do it again for 9 each,rest back in 8 each an ye get me drift,I done it the other day in under 30 minutes,don't know the exact time as I was f****d an forgot to look until I got my breath
  12. Francie,


    Definitely stiff,my aunt who is 73 an who's out everyday walking here there an everywhere,got knocked down by a car 4 months ago,broken,leg arm an knee,an she's up an at it again,needs a stick sometimes but she's on here feet an doing things again an the carers are not required anymore,I think all the walking that helped her
  13. Francie,


    No sweat carbonator lol
  14. Francie,


    Lol you obviously haven't done plyometrics,it strengthens an builds muscles alright
  15. Biggest pile of shit these shows grey lol
  16. Francie,


    Get of the carbs for a start fatboy lol You answered your own question,plyometrics
  17. Aye but he meant youse done nothing to stop it goly
  18. Hahaha looks like a lad that needs a steak or two lol
  19. Is that a still from your pad video goly lol
  20. Oh we've got a billy big bollocks in tonight lol
  21. Francie,

    The Bible.

    I was just talking to a friend earlier about this,an Christians are being slaughtered every,it's at genocidal levels an I asked him why are people selectively outraged,Palestine all over the news but nothing about the innocent Christians who have done nothing but beleive in the Lord,boils my piss mack
  22. Not thick at all that was the British slang against us
  23. Ireland had big textile,shipbuilding,brewing,peat industry's,sure the Irish build Britain too
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