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Everything posted by Francie,

  1. Yeah but before his social media was dumped down the memory hole steve,people were quick an went an saved some of his stuff,an theres video of him in ukraine,I seen it yesterday mate.
  2. But it wasnt on social media an he was setup an ready to shoot in advance,this guy was in ukraine fighting alongside asos apparently trying to recruit people,once again dodgy circumstances mate
  3. How did the shooter,who lives in a different state know that trump was going to be st golf,on that day an time,it wasnt public knowledge,so how did he know?
  4. Well what else did he mean mate? Didnt ask but instigated
  5. So are you trying to say biden didnt say trump needed stopped an has a target on him?
  6. Its definatley the democrats fault,indirectly that is,they've convinced alot of fruitloops with mental disorders "left" that he deserves to die,if seen many hundreds of videos of his haters saying it,even biden said trump has a bullseye or a target on his back recently just before the first attempt,there inciting there already mentally challenged voters to do it.
  7. Mate you dont seem to grasp the way these esoteric occultist think,g.w bush is a member of skull an bones,heavily influenced by the "mystery school teachings" Once you understand the game they play youl understand there is no limit to there actions. Its hard for most to swallow the lengths these men will go to complete there plan Until then people will defending them
  8. If you want to beleive that mate fair enough,tho if seen alot of worthy experts disagree.
  9. Building no 7 wasnt hit with an aeroplane,but collapsed like a detonation. Work that out
  10. Francie,


    Voting will do nothing,the power needs to be taken away from the mps,to much power they have,there only puppets anyway,controlled by there "lobby" groups
  11. Francie,


    It's not just that borrowing,its everything they spend our money on,we ain't got a say on any of it ffs. Were are the biggest ejits for letting them control us. Like what could they do say if 2million landed to westminster an refused to budge until serious changes are implemented,like being able to get rid of an mp pronto if he doesnt please his voters,or have a say in were are moneys going,drastically reducing there wages an expenses,f**k sake they couldn't do a thing. They are not accountable for anything they do,at all.
  12. The refs have to be the funniest of the lot,comedy gold watching them throw signals an pretend lol I used to watch it when I smoked the weed for a laugh,especially the ref with the blonde curtains for hair
  13. Very convenient that 2.3 trillion was announced unaccountable from the Pentagon the day before it happened,then the pentagon gets hit,I still nmbeleive it emwas a remote detonation that took them down,especially that other building,ffs it just freefall without any damage.
  14. Francie,


    Billions an billions OF OUR MONEY,NOT THRRES,for wars,climate bullshit etc but f**k all for us Drastic changes need to be made an fast
  15. Francie,


    Dirty bastsrds these politicians,they've got us were they want us,both parties the same,globalist pigs in a big "secret" gang an we ain't part of it,were mere cattle to make them wealthy,not one f**k do they care for us.
  16. Francie,


    Well we could st least join together an have a big f***ing protest st Westminster?
  17. Francie,


    See this is the shit that sickens me,claims thousands of our hard earned cash for themselves but screw everyone else,why are we not at stormont or Westminster with pitchforks an taking the c**ts to the gallows for treasonaous acts against us?
  18. Francie,


    Climate aid package,what a f***ing joke,money for the boys that's it,if they stopped tinkering with the weather we will be gran.
  19. Francie,


    How an why the fook have we given this bunch of wankers power to control our lives,ffs there supposed to do exactly what we tell them,but no they serve themselves an the rich,with our money,they tax the f**k out of us an are not held accountable only by vote,I mean come on are we f***ing stupid or what,they dont own us,nor our money but they take it cause they say so,were royally getting screwed f**k the whole lot of them.
  20. Still off it dan yeah
  21. I'm the same tats,my 40th birthday in couple of weeks an wouldn't be arsed with the whole celebration thing lol,rather no fuss
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