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About Bing1

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  1. It’s all facts yes.
  2. Anyone read this book. It’s about longnetting around derby in the 1930s. Read it over and over lovely little book of desperate times when men had to net to feed their families.
  3. No should have with hindsight. If the snow doesn’t come tomorrow il go back and take some
  4. Hi everyone on my walk round last night I found two rabbit nests robbed. Looked like it had been marked then dug down straight into the nests and the kits took. Like the hole had been bored out very neat is that badgers ?
  5. Thanks for the replies much appreciated
  6. Hi new member here thanks for having me. I’m looking to buy my first long net but have a few questions to ask. 1. I’m looking at the basket systems. Is it possible to buy say a 25 yard long net then as I get the hang of it ( hopefully) then add another one to the same basket can you do this ? 2 Where would you recommend I purchase from. I’ve seen some on eBay made by a firm called rabbit fever, they look the part but seem rather expensive ? 3 is there anyone else you recommend if not the above Thanks in advance
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