Are they better at coursing than the saluki saturated coursing dogs in the UK, if not there's no reason for them to be here except for the egos of the " I want something different brigade "
Francie, no1 is going to be held accountable for anything regarding whatever went on over the Covid bollocks, whatever proof comes out it just isn't going to happen, as for the other question I take vit D, Zinc and Magnesium
The Irish have the advantage of seeing what mass immigration from 3rd world shitholes has done to the UK, don't let it happen over there if you value you families and country
Got blokes and birds in work putting he/him she/her on their email signatures was gonna put it/that on mine but don't want to encourage that kind of bollocks
Was watching tele in my hotel room and a presenter said about " his " New album the other presenter put him straight saying " they, they use the pronouns they/them " what a load of fckn bollocks