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Everything posted by Bakerboy

  1. Just had a quick google, 2 dead, police not looking for anyone, murder suicide or double suicide by the looks of it
  2. I'd love to hear what that bloke has to say, I just cant get past the boring c@nts voice
  3. I think its about time we stopped flying around the world willy nilly for business and pleasure, no1 needs a holiday abroad and most business can be conducted over zoom, 95% reduction in air travel I'd like to see, think of the planet people...?
  4. Just pulled a new pair out of the box
  5. Genius level stupidity
  6. Its an email that has just been released to the covid enquiry over there
  7. Saved me typing the same....Fck them
  8. I see the truth about fauci and his dealings with the wuhan lab are starting to come out, an email of him admitting to knowing about the gain of function at the lab has just surfaced, plenty more to come I'll wager
  9. Do you reckon he'd be in hospital with mental health issues if he hadnt been outed as a dodgy fckr by that newspaper
  10. Love it when folk slag off sites then go back on them
  11. Love it when folk slag off sites then go back on them
  12. Can you imagine how poor Sandy is feeling now, queer bum boy lefy nonce, 100% support Covid lock down breaking lunatic aaaaargh hang him hang him...?
  13. Killed some stuff fair do's
  14. Kicking off today outside a hotel in Surbiton, antifa types making an appearance, hope they get the shit kicked out of them
  15. Both should be allowed back on 5 mins after a manly handshake or a bout of fisticuffs
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