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Everything posted by Bakerboy

  1. Bakerboy


    Some tired fckrs came up as clean as they went down at the start of the shift
  2. Bakerboy


    Ive seen more cocks than most prostitutes due to the pit head baths
  3. Thought it was bollix or they'd been fckn about in a lab somewhere, haven't a dog and fox got different amount of chromosomes or something
  4. Yep, Spain is sending them back, i know they have an agreement but that shouldnt matter to us we have no-one to answer to
  5. Next time I vote for a major party will be when I see boatloads of immigrants leaving daily
  6. I think ripping her nails out and plucking her eyebrows is taking it a bit too far mate
  7. First terrier book I bought, over 40 yrs ago
  8. Wanna warm the lazy fckrs ear as well mate
  9. Hope it really stings the stupid twats that donated
  10. I feel the same way about Brand as the majority on here but there's something not right about the whole debacle
  11. Theres a big difference between a bit of a caning or the dap and an all out assault on a child, I had both regularly used to bite my cheek and smirk when they'd finished
  12. I just rewatched the Tyson v Ribalta fight 1986, HW boxing must be the only sport thats gone backwards over the years, everything is faster higher stronger further and we've got luke fckn fury
  13. Bakerboy


    Does Dandelion and Burdock pop work as well
  14. Stop encouraging mixed race relationships, theres enough of it happening as it is
  15. I just tell them I'm claiming and working, they just look around all awkward
  16. Think it was Lucas's book that mentioned you'd need a few maidens in the tent wagon for when things went quiet, halcyon days
  17. I once dated a girl who'd slept with a household name pop star when she was 13 dont know if he knew her age or not, was strange watching him on TOTP
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