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Everything posted by Bakerboy

  1. 1 of the genuine ones from over there
  2. Some of them were the biggest lieing bunch of b@stards to ever grace the internet boards, shame the tidy ones left tho
  3. What was that mate I must have missed that
  4. That Jake Paul got all the right moves
  5. Went for this 1 for the bubble and squeak
  6. Still a favorite of mine, bloody lovely, there's a butcher across from me makes his own, best I've tasted
  7. Bakerboy


    Mate there's lads in work with me at my pay grade pushing 90+ grand haven't got a pot to piss in and working every possible hour overtime
  8. He covered up and/or took no action against a prolific child abuser within the C of E
  9. Bakerboy


    Lads on the railway and other jobs paying employee and employer NI plus a cut for the recruiting firm + tax over 50% of their wages gone after stoppages
  10. Bakerboy


    4 million quid donation made to the labour party from a hedge fund at a time when it wouldnt be made public before the election Labour handed £4m from tax haven-based hedge fund WWW.OPENDEMOCRACY.NET Quadrature’s donation is noteworthy not just for being Labour’s largest-ever, but for its timing ahead of election
  11. WHAT......................THE.......................FCUK
  12. Im sure there were rumours back in the day about a certain Charles and a butler
  13. Good, we need more of this
  14. I was thinking more Trump and Nigger
  15. What a fckn maggot of a human being
  16. Well that's the end of this fckn thread
  17. It's better than the fckn elephants, very Pistolesq
  18. How long can he last, has he no shame, hopefully lose his place in the House of Lords as well
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