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Everything posted by Bakerboy

  1. Yeah, but don't tell anyone (Might start another Covid thread tho )
  2. Fck sake, I wanted some posts deleted and was told it would be easier and less time consuming to delete my account including threads and posts, that's it.
  3. 1st thing that came to my mind when I read it
  4. Because I wanted them deleted for personal reasons
  5. I asked for all my threads and posts to be deleted not just the covid thread
  6. Didn't some Plummer breeder living in Scotland keep/breed Scottish Wild Cats, legion plummers or similar
  7. Covid thread was deleted along with all my other threads/Posts a few days ago
  8. Blair is a traitorous murderer and should have been held accountable for his actions years ago
  9. Problems start when they come out unseen in a field full of livestock or drop in to a nasty place or nearer a road ect, couldn't keep a dog that wouldn't come when called on top
  10. And not 1 yank took the knee, stupid English cnuts
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