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Everything posted by Bakerboy

  1. Let's hope they crack on with it double quick
  2. I can't be the only one who knows fck all about what's going on with the ginger Prince and his bride on Netflix and Clarkesons a cock anyway
  3. I know it's a load of talking but that's about it ?
  4. Fckn hell mate let it go, what's next, " it's Christmas day jab jabs jabs",..."it's New Year jab jabs jabs", it's done and dusted ffs
  5. Doubt they've got time for any genuine stuff now and the immigrant stuff probably more lucrative ?
  6. Was always 6 weeks when I was a kid
  7. So why you harping on about it, no-one in the real World even mentions it now, media and agenda driven websites is the only place you'll hear about it now
  8. Don't hurt if they don't make the noises ??
  9. I had a good walk around up there, enjoyed the area
  10. Was up there Christmas last year, different World for a valley boy ??
  11. Is that with 1 of the fortune 500 companies ?
  12. Got that bloke you put me on to doing the floor levelling Sat and the flagstones going down Monday ?
  13. I've had blokes out of prison in work within a week
  14. Fck that, had a gang with me today taking down and stacking Heras fencing and crowd barriers, I only got out the van to make a brew lol
  15. How many guesses do I get
  16. Where did you get your original stuff, can almost guarantee there's something else in them if you go back far enough
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