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Everything posted by Bakerboy

  1. He's gonna look a right c@nt when she boots him into touch A national embarrassment.
  2. My mate ran 1 years ago was an absolute fox killing machine, killed them very quick, which I like in a dog
  3. I once stuck my cousins finger to the chemistry lab table f***ing about playing stabby, where you stab a compass between some saps fingers going quicker and quicker til they jib, well he didn't jib and I went straight thru his finger nail and into the table lol
  4. Sorry " big mouthed loser " ???
  5. Even the Taliban have called him a lieing c@nt
  6. Easiest I ever had lol
  7. Can't see sandyqueer and his ilk storming parliament any time soon
  8. 58, probably the covid we'll be told soon enough
  9. All depends on how good the permission was ??
  10. Was offered years ago to stay in Idaho for free, just wanted me to judge a trials and a show, said thanks but I know fck all about trials
  11. Done quite a few foxes from their artificials years ago
  12. You reckon, depends what you mean by sane mate, there's a lot of people, seemingly normal people who would disagree with us.
  13. Easiest way to fck up dogs is to not give them enough recovery time after injuries, whether it be lurchers or terriers
  14. That's already started mate, they're pushing to drop peado, because it has negative connections and call the dirty bstards MAPs ( Minor Attracted Persons )
  15. Don't do $ what's that in proper money ??£££
  16. If that's a defender with a V5 I'll have it, how much you want ??
  17. In the canteen this morning
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