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Everything posted by Bakerboy

  1. I'm sure Max has a pup left might be a bit old now, seen it on moochers
  2. Can't imagine how much it would hurt now
  3. My mate got a litter due but I don't know if they'll be born in the day
  4. Scaffold plank 4 pram wheels cord to steer no brakes and down the steepest hill in the valley, fckn great fun, still got the scars lol And we called them Gambos
  5. Everyone can believe what they want, makes no difference to anyone else
  6. I copied and pasted what Shaaark asked for that came up in YouTube thought it can't be that shit he's wanting, thought I'd fckt up so didn't post, remembered then he's got a young kid lol
  7. Sent it to everyone I know, they all pissed themselves, must be the company I keep
  8. Thought it'd be something like that lol
  9. That a famous quote from something ? Lost on me mucker lol
  10. Dodgy c@nt, same as Elvis, Jerry Lee Lewis Bill Wyeman and 1000s of others all given a pass because of their celebrity status
  11. Had to Google who he and it was, some sad c@nts watching shit like that, every fckr or wants to be a rambo or some other shit
  12. Suppose some don't give a fck about anything as long as the coin keeps coming in, I couldn't live with myself personally if something I bred killed a kid
  13. Just googled them, what a crock of shit
  14. Game set and fckn match
  15. I had a giant of a dog in a litter a couple of years back, looked like a black wheaten, all the rest of the litter were of a normal size
  16. If I were them I'd be hoping I wasn't a fckn chapter in his next book names an all
  17. Up to a dozen firefighters who saved lives at Grenfell Tower now have cancer https://f7td5.app.goo.gl/ZjhAub Sent via @updayUK
  18. Left wing MSM are already covering for Biden
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