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Everything posted by johnrthrfrd

  1. Hyperdrug Veterinary Flea & Tick Drops for Dogs (pack of 6). Flea and tick drops for dogs - 6 tubes containing Permethrin - protection for 12 weeks in dogs over 15kg (33lb or more) or protection for 24 weeks in dogs weighing less than 15kg (33lbs) THIS PRODUCT IS EXTREMELY POISONOUS TO CATS AND MUST ONLY BE USED ON DOGS AS DIRECTED. KEEP TREATED DOGS AWAY FROM CATS FOR FOR 72 HOURS AFTER TREATMENT - ENSURE THAT CATS DO NOT GROOM THE SITE OF APPLICATION. Kills fleas immediately on contact, suitable for dogs and puppies over 2 weeks of age. To be applied to the back of the neck. IMPORTANT -
  2. great write up trev like the pic of the little grunter in full flight wait till next week and we give them another hammering. atb john.
  3. why take the chance of fleas on your dog and in your house for a few quid every 3 month when the treatment has no decrimental effect on the dog and is only benificial. a working dog is in contact with areas were ticks can be caught and fleas of the prey it is trained to catch surely prevention is better than waiting till you see your dog scatching when by this time house and home coulde be infected. Because treating an animal with no fleas is pointless! It also is the reason that treatments like frontline are less effective when an infestation occurs, routine treatments will leave a sma
  4. why take the chance of fleas on your dog and in your house for a few quid every 3 month when the treatment has no decrimental effect on the dog and is only benificial. a working dog is in contact with areas were ticks can be caught and fleas of the prey it is trained to catch surely prevention is better than waiting till you see your dog scatching when by this time house and home coulde be infected. Because treating an animal with no fleas is pointless! It also is the reason that treatments like frontline are less effective when an infestation occurs, routine treatments will leave a sma
  5. had a 510 for a while now class bit of kit.
  6. had a trip out to north yorkshire with trev (nehunter73) his dad and the bairn today got 28 rabbits will let trev put all the details and pics on. another great day lads. atb john.
  7. hyperdrug do a similar product to frontline there own make much cheaper and lasts the same lengh of time. atb john.
  8. why take the chance of fleas on your dog and in your house for a few quid every 3 month when the treatment has no decrimental effect on the dog and is only benificial. a working dog is in contact with areas were ticks can be caught and fleas of the prey it is trained to catch surely prevention is better than waiting till you see your dog scatching when by this time house and home coulde be infected.
  9. had a bit of similar prob no you dont want to use collar but it sorted mine out in less than a week every timr she barked got automaticaly sprayed with a nose full of lemon.she was the same only barked when i left her. atb john.
  10. thats bad crack mate but at least she went doing what she liked. john.
  11. well done trev wonder if you will get that land next to the stables were all the bunnies were last year.see you soon. atb john. :good: :good:
  12. every 3 month and it is very good i use hyperdrugs own brand cheaper and never had any bother with my 3 dogs.
  13. hemp all the way dont mind haveing to spend a bit time drying them there different class to nylon but every body to there own.
  14. meg is doing great glen will try and get some pics and put them up but she is never still long enough. atb john.
  15. i thats right will bring me rubber gloves and test meter see you all next week end. atb john. ps see if you can get some hazel trev iv got them new stop nets and gate nets here.
  16. just changed pups (colly x) scran to gain puppy and sapling and she loves it any body else used this. atb john.
  17. got 3 dogs all wormed with drontal plus and never had any bother get it from hyperdrug.
  18. hobs kill more than jills and at this time of year a lot of young still about. atb john.
  19. chance of any pics mate post is from 2nd august think there all sold as i got 1
  20. know of land around here with plenty rabbits but you cant get permission so the only thing is to travel.bumped into the farmer were i exercise the dogs last week and he said if i found any rabbits i could sort them out only thing av never seen 1 rabbit in 3,1/2 years of going there atb john.
  21. well done think you were asking for the crown jewels when you ask here driving up a road to do a job other week noticed dozens of rabbits in the fields mentioned it to guy i done work for and he said all thats my land and the baxxxxxs are every were i politly said i could sort it out for him answer they dont bother me seconds before they were baxxxxxs and eating him out of house and home atb john. where abouts do you go then a bit further a field we go north yorkshire, penrith areas. atb john.
  22. well done think you were asking for the crown jewels when you ask here driving up a road to do a job other week noticed dozens of rabbits in the fields mentioned it to guy i done work for and he said all thats my land and the baxxxxxs are every were i politly said i could sort it out for him answer they dont bother me seconds before they were baxxxxxs and eating him out of house and home atb john.
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