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Everything posted by johnrthrfrd

  1. Was asked by a lad today if he did not breed his gills or bring them out of season when would they come out of season naturally . As I have never left my gills in season I Couldent answer him so lads what's the answer.
  2. Used to race greyhounds and had a couple that lost part of there tail and one that lost it all never made any difference to there times racing
  3. Its a matter of choice. some will swear by traditional, others quick sets. quick sets are easier to use for the beginner IMO, especially in windy conditions as it prevents all the slack running to one end. some trad nets have the slack stitched every 5 yards to help against this happening. whichever you decide to go for my advice would be to take it down to the local park/field and have a practise in daylight setting and picking up your nets until your confident you can do it at night. If your mainly using them for ferreting i'd say go for 2 50 yard nets or the 4 25 yard nets this will give y
  4. I have a collie x grey x whippet and the ground she runs on the rabbits are never far away from there holes and she does it all the time now that the crops have grown the rabbits are venturing further into the fields so she creeps up between them and safety before she runs at them. Think the dog is using its brain and also were the dog has learned its trade has a lot to do with it she has never had clean fields to run at rabbits so has adapted to we're she is even if it is a bit frustrating at times.
  5. Had loads of stuff from china and hong kong and never had a problem
  6. Well done Andy your going to be very busy.
  7. All other permission is about 1 to2 hrs. Away.only bad thing is he wants a couple of hedge rows ferreted now so just been up to strim some of the undergrowth down going to ferret it on sat.don't like ferreting at this time of year but you have to keep them happy.
  8. That's bad crack Keith same happened to me a few years back at about the same age had 7 to look after managed to get 5 reared I used to mince rabbit and chicken up then squash it up till it was like a paste they would lick it but they soon got the idea also used to give them that substitute milk you can get at the pet shop. Good luck mate.
  9. Phoned a bloke on Sunday about the rabbits on his land went and met him today gave me permission on all his land can ferret, shoot,use the dogs a good result and about 10 mins from my house.
  10. Has any of you lads got any prices for getting a hob snipped in the Gateshead area cost me £ to get my last one done getting a new hob and a would like him done to bring the Jill's out next year after the old fella died.
  11. Hi Keith how's it going about time you put some more pics of the little guy up got a few nets for ye let is know when convenient and will drop them of and have a look at him. Atb John.
  12. Phone call made permission granted only bad thing wants me to start ferreting now hate ferreting at this time of year but supposed it has to be done. Went to my local boozer for a pint and a lad asked if I would go to Birmingham and sort what he says is a rabbit infestation out. Long way to travel for a bit ferreting.
  13. Got a bit of info. Off a bloke and emailed who he said turns out its his dad thats the owner of some of the fields got his phone no. Have got to ring him tomorro.
  14. Decided today to try and find out who the owners are of the fields were I take the dogs for a bit of exercise there planted with crops and there are plenty rabbits munching them so of I went the smorning with the lurcher in tow to try and find who owned them. So after 2 hours pottering about asking people and knocking on a few doors I'm still none the wiser no one seems to know who the owners are at least the dog had a bit exercise and picked a couple of young rabbits up to feed the stinkers. So the mystery continues I'll be back out next weekend when I'm off work trying to track them down.
  15. Hard life Andy but you have to keep them happy . Atb John.
  16. Had a trip to whittonstall show yesterday bought some poke nets off Andy Kelly ,any body after any nets won't go wrong buying from this lad first class nets and knowes his stuff.
  17. Had a look up the show today bought some poke nets of Andy and had a bit crack first class bloke and great nets will give you a ring mate about that long net .
  18. They don't want to kill them there selves they want somebody else to do it. Sorry it was the way I worded it there not bothered if I ferret them use the dogs or shoot them so should be ok if it comes off
  19. Been working at a very large and expensive house lately got talking to the lady of the house yesterday and she mentioned they had had to get some body in to sort the moles out so I asked about the rabbits she said they wanted rid of them but they didn't want to kill them so told her I could sort it out for her she said that would be great and to leave her my no. And she would talk to her husband when he got in. So fingers crossed might be a bit new permission and there place is surrounded by nowt but farm land so might even pick a bit up off the neighbours if it works out.
  20. Used frontline on my 3 for years and have never had fleas they get done every 12 weeks get mine on line.
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