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Everything posted by Middlesex

  1. Interesting comments gents. I thought as an amateur I might get shot down (hoho) by the pros. I've taken your criticisms of both Fenn traps on board, and bought a Doc150 from Quill in their custom tunnel. If I have to kill the animals then I hate to cause them unnecessary suffering. I'm not going to post photos, but I'm left in no doubt by the state of squirrel corpse number 1 that he did not survive for a moment beyond being whacked across the head by the Doc trap. Those Kiwis don't mess about. Definitely the way forward in my view, and perhaps it's time for the Fenn traps to be taken o
  2. I came across this thread while I was looking at squirrel-trapping options. I'd just add to Dido's doubts. I've been using a Fenn mk4 in the green Quill box as well. I'm an amateur, trapping squirrels in my own garden. I've been sitting in the garden when the trap has been sprung and it's definitely not always a clean kill. I've heard the squirrel struggling in the trap within the box, despite fully having it's head and body caught and needed to finish it off with an air rifle - not pleasant for me or the animal. I'm now using a Fenn mk6 with a lot more oomph. I don't think the mk4 s
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