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Everything posted by MAIN MAN

  1. we bought one of them malinois pups last weekend il try get some pictures later..
  2. I don't mind keeping her till your sorted mate! but your have to bring her to Gloucester.
  3. some say its a sign of a good hunting dog! trying to hide its own cent
  4. Her guts dropped out in our local town lol true
  5. lazy worthless fukin scabs makes me sik
  6. The police have been more than unhelpfull, the antis can expect gassing to take place now.
  7. max 60 yards and 30 from cover, you can use a 222 upwards,
  8. That looks a great day out well done mate.
  9. Right any advice about the best round to stop foxes? I need a flat good quality hard hitting bullet not worried about the cost just need to no what you think as to the weight of the tip and make cheers.
  10. Get to work like the rest of us have to! dole money has been to easy for some to get, I work and get nothing of the social and have brought 5 kids up. I know some people need benefits and have no problem with it. but I know of some that have lived and done nothing since they left school. Get of your lazy arses and put some money back in the pot.
  11. very nice smart looking terriers! good luck with homes for them mate.
  12. mabe in some cases the woman don't want to look through letter box type hats! but the men make them. there is one burka woman round here who got side burns she is a right hairy thing lol.
  13. He needs the rope and all the other runts like him.
  14. Just got back from smelly costa, £8 for tobacco and the booze was as cheap as chips
  15. can you buy this sulphate stuff legally? the stump is out the ground 4 foot or so, where can you buy it chaps
  16. got to be one of midnights knifes! give him a go
  17. Thanks for the feed back il give them all a go cheers lads
  18. nice place that windowview and ourgate nice place that windowview and ourgate yea mate that view doesn't do it justice at all, the big picture was really nice! the place was littered in dog shit lol
  19. this was a picture I took from our apartment and was going on every day, iv got no worys about people using stuff that others waist but it just shows how bad things have got over there.
  20. I took a video from the apartment looking down on the back of a super market il get my lad to put it on later, we had a walk outside the main street for a look, there was dog shit everywhere blocks of flats that were real run down! a real shock.
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