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Everything posted by MAIN MAN

  1. no mr harcomb has been poorly so will have to wait a bit.
  2. thanks for the tips mate ile keep you posted
  3. hi i havent got a centrefire so i dont no as much as some people on here. but i no alot of people that have them so i no abit. a guy that has had loads of rifles on a site i go on said that the best 222 he has had is a bsa hunter. they are old but are tackdrivers. even with factory ammo but are even better with home loads. there is some factory ammo he uses that is very cheap he said and his gun loves it. half inch goups at 100 yards he said and thats with this fatory ammo so cant be bad. i will see if i can find out what is its called for you. by the way these bsa are cheap to as they are
  4. hi i havent got a centrefire so i dont no as much as some people on here. but i no alot of people that have them so i no abit. a guy that has had loads of rifles on a site i go on said that the best 222 he has had is a bsa hunter. they are old but are tackdrivers. even with factory ammo but are even better with home loads. there is some factory ammo he uses that is very cheap he said and his gun loves it. half inch goups at 100 yards he said and thats with this fatory ammo so cant be bad. i will see if i can find out what is its called for you. by the way these bsa are cheap to as they are
  5. hi iv just been given a variation on my fire arms for a 222 could anyone give me some advice on what make and where i could buy a good second hand one from ? im a big believer in a good second one is always better than a cheap new one thanks ?
  6. got given a sul x greyhond last week from a pet home 14 months old they had to get rid of him because he kept killing cats and rabbits, he was from a re homeing centre ? just got back from an hours lamping with him he had three runs and ran realy well. iv had bull x up till now but sadley lost my best dog a few weeks back. ile keep you posted and let you all no how he gets on.. happy hunting..
  7. [quote name='tawny' date='Nov 21 2007, 06:49 PM' post='348262' hi tawny if you find a bull and get chance of another let me no as iv still had no joy ? cheers
  8. pre charged air gun wanted must be vgc gloucestershire cheers
  9. thanks mate but need something ready? my main dog died few weeks back left me right in the s..t only got my old one and a bitch pup
  10. still not had any joy young bullx wanted to start now. unspoiled dog or bitch first class working home asured.south west cheers
  11. hi tally hows things ? not seen you for awhile /
  12. i posted this mail because i want to let lads no. bad mind because were i live there is drugs galore being pushed every were but the cops dont seem to be botherd makes you think what the hell is it comeing to..
  13. does any one no anything about some raids that took place yesterday ? it was terrier and lurcher lads that had there houses raided buy you no who...
  14. MAIN MAN

    lost dog

    can you send me a picture of your terrier i went with my partner to look at 2 lurchers for sale last night they had a couple of terriers there she said her bloke found one it was a ruff coated terrier with a collar i think it looked like small studs on. it was dark so didnt get much of look you never no this mabe of some help ?
  15. hi iv been looking for a adult dog ready to start iv sent a couple e mails but nothing yet. the dog has to be well bred and not spoiled will have a good working home and be well looked after. gloucestershire ? cheers
  16. only pic ive got a moment try and get a couple more .the fox was retrieved with my young bitch not retieved single handed yet . shes about 24 tts have you still got the bitch the dog will have a great working home and will be well looked after..
  17. yea poker.. had 4 pups from her a year ago but the one bitch went to a right prick got no work attaked another dog and he had her put down just shows you people say things ile do this and ile do that but do f..k all and the dog pays the price
  18. yes the penny has dropped now. you only meet a good dog man or woman once in a life time and you were one of them keep in touch tally dont want to loose touch now. rember that dog ram bullx fu .k what a dog he was still havent been able to replace him ?
  19. i no the feeling tal least your out doing stuff. went out yesterday for a walk turned in to a full blown fox hunt middle of the day foxes running eveywere. old dog found some steam an nearly caught one.. must have a day out soon..
  20. i been out today and my old deben box is fu.kd im fed up trying to get a good mark just keeps makin crackling noises. its been to be re calabrated but just not reliable enough. does anyone no witch of the new ones are the best ? iv herd some are crap ?cheers
  21. hey tallyho im from round that way.. are you realy in to this game an not just a player ?have you got any lurchers are they doing well ? perhaps we could meet up for a day out ?
  22. its on the tip and on the vertibrea ..?
  23. one of my retired bullx has lost some hair on his tail its been like it for years iv been told this breed suffers from this does any one no how i can sort it ? cheers
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