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Everything posted by MAIN MAN

  1. all the best mate i no how you feel
  2. im a bricklayer! priced loads of work last year but nothing, been out of work cinse december but had a call last week and went back to work today thank god i think the media have scared evryone to death and people are holding back because of what they herd on the telly!!.
  3. i just dont like the way they bring there familys with them and claim all are benifits,{ dentist} doctors} council houses etc. if they come to work then we cant stop them but we dont need wife kids mum dad and grand parents!!
  4. also people try and do it to loud! my mate come once he is about 20 stone of beer drinking slob!! we tried to call a fox well he did!! it ran off with its tail between its legs god it sounded like a pig squeeling so funny though
  5. you must be a bricky blackntan?
  6. I no it sounds big headed but thats somthing im not, im not very good at spelling i no but im proud of what i do!! very proud. Iv seen some polish bricklayers work and its shocking not saying they are all bad but we dont need them here under cutting britsh lads who have erned there title as a tradsman.
  7. I built this wall, i would like to see a pole do it, i did my time for 3 years 20 years ago, im a time served tradsman and fed up with so called polish bricklayers trying to do it and fukin it up!!
  8. why dont they make are lazy youngsters do a days work for there dole money! simple every day they have to meet and do some work charity or helping old people do there gardens and picking up litter then sighn there tickets at the end of the day! then the little fu..ers wouldnt want to claim dole. It seems to me they love spunging and getting paid for staying in bed but this way they would be erning there benifits and we wouldnt need migrant workers because are lads would be having to work? after all are old people could do with some help after all they have done for us.
  9. here here!! iv seen some polish brick work its shocking, we call them flat heads here because the back of there heads are flat?
  10. im sik to death of poles and alike! they are over here to claim are benifits and become citizens of britain. they did seem to work hard when they first come over but thats stopped now! they want the same wages holiday pay pentions and sik pay. my kids go to primary school and its getting fuller and fuller of polish kids that need extra help! who is paying for all that? well im sik to death of are country being took the piss out of and i think we should stick together and get rid of the lot of them!!
  11. they look some good strong pups mate, pitty you live so far my mate is looking for a pup just like that!
  12. MAIN MAN


    mate if you lived closer i could sort it, i no a chap with 200 ton of ash but its near gloucester
  13. they are real nice but not the old fellas! they can be as tuff as an arabs sandle!!
  14. it wouldnt work with my dogs mate! is a funny thought though
  15. i dont dig cubs anymore! as iv got older and my kids are still young it made me think a little about the cub thing. anyway i dug some a few years back and gave one to a farmer who wanted one for his wife, for the first few months it was fine being handled! but not for long it layed in to him one day for no reason. i dont think they would ever be tame like a dog or cat, its unfair to try ?
  16. they do kill lambs and lots of them to! you can normaly tell because the lambs guts are suked out and they eat the end of the lambs nose.
  17. and you mr friend are a knob of the highest order..................its what terriers (some anyway) have been bred to do for hundreds of years ....................snot gobbler! i cant see how 2 terriers would be more sure of a bolt rather than one! it can only cause problems underground, iv seen terriers half eat each other to try get to there quarry when another dog is in front of them, not that i do use two dogs but when we do fox drives and one is pushed to ground and both fly in after it. before now iv coupled terriers together to stop this, but like i said in my first post sometimes t
  18. you not done much terrier work then, to use two dogs in an earth is for silly boys mate!! do your dogs need to hold hands then?
  19. on a dig one day with a good terrier man you would of all herd of! one dog was doing his job and the others were on couples when one bitch broke loose and went to ground behind the the worker, we dug like hell to the dogs the bitch had hold of the dogs nuts!! we were lucky no real harm done but could of been real nasty. does make me think who some of the so called terrier boys are and how they learned there trade!!!?
  20. mate there is a boy down south that keeps bills old stuff il try get his number for you, he does the terrier work for a hunt down there if they are the hard black dogs they used to be mabe they ent much good for hunt work!! ?
  21. iv been digging with a lad who had a bitch from bill brightmore lines she was pants! mabe the blood had been ruined buy someone would be interesting to here about any good ones though?
  22. nice dog that make a youngster a great pal !!
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