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Everything posted by MAIN MAN

  1. just bought one for 700, big end gone cost me 500 to date in parts! if its as good as you say its well worth a bump.


    might get one of those for myself!....... wonder if its worth just putting the signs up? my tip.... get a halogen floodlight and set the pir sensor so it only goes of if someone comes into your yard/garden, simple i hear you say... but then i also have a not quite so bright light in my bedroom so if it goes off it wakes me up with a jump as well! just drill a hole through wall and run wires from floodlight though to your bedroom and wire into a small light. greg mate sorryn to here about this! hopefully he was a good fela, a mate of mine fits alarms and cctv but the good stuff are big
  3. Good stuff should be kept tight thats why it stays good stuff when its in the right hands. Exactly....so only if your in the know do you get a good pup. I have been lucky, being put on to a pup which i had to travel the length of the country for and has done alright now 2 1/2 years down the line, compared to the 2 pups i had previously from the Yellow Paper. I'm sure their are miles better dogs about than the dogs my bitch is out of but it's a foot on the ladder for me, the bitch has given me a standard to improve on with the pup I had sent over from Eire recently. The bitch I have
  4. Good stuff should be kept tight thats why it stays good stuff when its in the right hands. Exactly....so only if your in the know do you get a good pup. I have been lucky, being put on to a pup which i had to travel the length of the country for and has done alright now 2 1/2 years down the line, compared to the 2 pups i had previously from the Yellow Paper. I'm sure their are miles better dogs about than the dogs my bitch is out of but it's a foot on the ladder for me, the bitch has given me a standard to improve on with the pup I had sent over from Eire recently. The bitch I have
  5. weekend warrior? ha ha ha! what a load a shit i would agree with that. some of the best terriers are back garden bred. by working folk. with a real passion for there sport. weekend warrior . this will almost definatly stir a few coments but there are far to many terriers about who are not bred from good stuff! why breed from dogs that dont do much work and contaminate the good blood with bad!! buy a terrier buy almeans but dont breed from the rubish. even well bred dogs dont always turn out to be good but will kill rats ect!!
  6. everyone is different and so are terriers! most dogs will kill rats but it takes a different animal to stay underground in the pitch black for hours with something thats the same size!! steel its called!
  7. yea ring up and take some pic! thats a discrace

    Our Nick

    he looks a right wimp that straw fellow! and aparently his dad was a real (yellow belly) looks can be deceiving,hes a right nasty fecker mate I bet he had his mrs knickers on the little yellow belly man! (straw)

    Our Nick

    Can I ask why? Is it their immigration policy? Or could it be that they support the RSPC@? No true hunting supporter could seriously support the BNP could they? well i do ! same here dam right i do
  10. MAIN MAN

    Our Nick

    he looks a right wimp that straw fellow! and aparently his dad was a real (yellow belly)
  11. MAIN MAN

    Our Nick

    I thought nick griffin was a brave fuk for going and trying to say his bit! and i also think alot of people agreed with him but were to scared to speak up!
  12. MAIN MAN

    Our Nick

    thats just what i thought! the bloke isnt given a chance to speak!
  13. just about to go for an hour looks good out there!!
  14. hi!! i made 44 gallons last week in a fresh whisky barrell, we dont add yeast !! only when its stopped working we take off 5 gallons add mabe 5 packs of sugar then let it work till it stops then bung it down. then about christmas we tap it! its normaly nice and fruity then as the air gets to it the cider starts to clear and gets stronger and stronger then too strong. nice though.
  15. sorry about your dog mate! but well done that dog for his guts!!!
  16. hi has anyone got any young ferrets? my mates dog somehow got the cage open an killed 6 yesterday. they were all well looked after and were just about to start this season. im in gloucestershire many thanks chris. 07770225319
  17. mate im interested let me no how much posted cheers
  18. whats a basenji?? a basenji is also known as the congo terrier but here read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basenji Thats a corgi with long legs!
  19. that little lad looks well happy mate, good to see the boys out! i nearly said in the fresh air but then again!!!
  20. yep its the 200 series got more poke then the 300 series int they its done 180 thosand but serviced up and cam been done mate dont take this the wrong way but thats alot of money for a 200 tdi im on my 5th 300 tdi they ent making any money mabe drop a little
  21. tally that was my terrier! we kept asking and found her at a well known hunt kennel in a stable so we just took her, like you said someone will of seen her somewhere
  22. Thank you. Yes you are right but there's nothing to hide because all is within the law and hunting act is being followed strictly. Thank you once again. ok fela, top man i just wouldnt want any of those sad fukin antis bothering anyone Thank you once again. I don't wish to give them a reason too. Everythings above board and I am a law abiding citizan. could do with some rain mate! makes the dummy sent better! nice tidy pack them!!
  23. wipe some dog shit on there car door handles!! f.kin tools.
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