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Everything posted by MAIN MAN

  1. I would get the dog a new home with someone who knows the type he is, he could give you more trouble than he is worth.
  2. il look forward to watching it later! be sure of this though it will be twisted somehow buy the media and people like craven, do gooders are the worse type.
  3. That craven bloke is a right cxunt along with brian may- they all need to be bumed with a fox brush..oh on top of jimmy savells tump
  4. I cant read or write very well but i sorted it out after time so mabe just chill read and see how you go!! all the best mm
  5. Unless you new what they were used for i cant see why they would take them!! mabe they been tipped off buy someone" I have some good terrierman here and have had for years but im sure they wouldnt have anything to do with it" mabe its scrap men who have seen them! my nabour said there was a black mits animal here at tea time last night! so if anyone heres of the boxes being sold off i would gladly buy them back with no questions apart from punching the fukin guts out of them.
  6. I work hard for the things i got an it pisses me of to think some shit bag just stroles up and walks off with it.
  7. Went to box the terriers up this morning and some fukin light fingerd cxnt has knicked my wooden boxes. They ent worth much but are well missed, What worries me more is the fact who ever took them knows my dogs are here, i live in a dead end road and the boxes wer well hidden from anyone. what on earth is this country coming to.
  8. First of all let the dog grow up! let him learn how to find rats and rabbits and how to catch them, lots of lads i know try and start them of far to early and ruin them. self entering is the best way but avoid ground work untill he is well old enough and has god loads of confidence. Many a good dog has been ruind in haist.
  9. There harping on about cruelty to animals and trying to stop hunting... what about trying to stop Halal slaughter?? Il tell you why! there scared stiff".
  10. I thought this terrier would be snapped up! Good honest post for a terrier thats just the right age to start and a give away for the right money to.
  11. Like i sai on this post at the start i would like to see and here of some short strong russell types! nice pictures
  12. Bloody heart breaking for the family, i really do hope they find her soon alive and well! they say no news is good news.
  13. I was waiting for you to join in bob lol, in reply to the home loading stuff i really havent the time for another hobby although i would like to try or learn about it. Im more just get the gun in the truck an off!! my unckle was in the forces in hereford and has had a life with fire arms and guns he has all the gear mabe i should pay him a visit..
  14. Cheers for the replys! i just got a box of sako 90 grs to try the chap said he will always stock these so as long as they suit my gun il be sorted.
  15. There has been some black guy after kids in my area but i think he was in a white van so im told! I only said to my mrs tonight if they catch him i would like to de-bowell the lump of shit. Really do hope this little girl turns up unharmed.
  16. Oh dear i really do hope she turns up! when and where was she? surely she should of been with an adult cos she is so young??
  17. Love them birds there bloody great! i have often watched them hunting hedges and really do enjoy it..
  18. uk guns in droitwitch are the ones that have stopped selling them
  19. I have been useing Hornady 58 grain rounds witch suit my rifle and seem to be very good and consistent, my local gun shop has stopped selling them does anyone no of a good supplyer or a near match for these? im in gloucestershire, They tried to palm me off with some cheap ones but to be honest i would rather pay for the better ones cheers.
  20. I had a terrier bitch given to me that was very much like that! the more work i gave her the more settled she became, her owner told me they couldnt touch her a one time because she would and did bite. She came to me via donnal who does the dog transport on here and even he had a nip or two, After a few weeks she was in the house on my 8 year old daughters lap being fussed and never had any other problems" I do think she was frustrated buy not getting any work or hunting witch she needed. I hope your dog gets the work he needs and im sure in time he will calm down..
  21. Antis more than lightly il keep my eye out cos thats up my way,
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