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Everything posted by stoney3107

  1. Cheers Woodga Carrying all them rabbits keeps him fit LOL And feeds his ferrets had to buy a bigger freezer as the misses was sick :sick: of looking at them every time she went in there. Regards Stoney
  2. Cheers Frank Good to hear from you again hope every thing is going OK over there. My older son was sixteen on the day and that is what he wanted to do on his birthday. keeps him off the streets and out of trouble. I'm oh so proud of him he wants his own bitch maybe its time. Regards Stoney
  3. Cheers Fezz He is doing great just resting his knocked toe at the moment but he's still bouncing around on it OK. stoney
  4. Cheers Sean You can really see the difference in him this season, he has settled into his game. Been working him with a quick-set net the last few outings, it is as if he has been doing it years accounted for 55 in the last 10 days or so. Regards Stoney :thumbs-up:
  5. How is she breed fella ? and how high ? Regards Stoney
  6. Nice looking dogs dotty and a good bag of bunnys you have there. Regards Stoney
  7. Hi all Not posted in a while. Been out with my son's over the weekend and accounted for a couple Bunny's. both my lads had a great day out and can't wait to go back. Thanks for looking Stoney
  8. Looks like a great time was had by all. Regards Stoney
  9. Well done mate What breeding is he ? and what is he tts ? He looks a real racey animal, good luck for the future. Regards Stoney
  10. Hi there will The link should take you straight there ask to speak to Steve great bloke very helpful. Regards Stoney http://www.advancednetting.co.uk/shop/catalog/contact_us.php
  11. Hi all thanks for the advice i have ordered 200 yards of 4z 2 1/8" mesh, for the small sum of 18 pounds plus vat. Be here early next week so i will have to see how i get on putting it all together. regards stoney :thumbs-up:
  12. Hi all I'm interested to know what your opinion is ? what would be the better material for a quickset longnet 4 z or 6 z 2" sq ? what length of sheet netting should i buy to make a 100 yard net ? do i need to use a 150 yard length to allow for bagging or would 200 yards be needed ? All sensible opinions welcome regards Stoney :thumbs-up:
  13. GUTTED for you fella, it's never nice but alway's fairer good luck for the future. And i hope the rest of your team is fully inoculated so that you have no more problems. Regards Stoney
  14. great to see the young ones smile well done to you both regards stoney
  15. i do a littie ferreting around the west were are you fella
  16. lol funny looks like you had a great day regards stoney
  17. nice what cross is it ? regards stoney
  19. Hi all Went for a couple of hours out yesterday with ferret and dog in hand. Things were all going fine when the dog marked a small warren at the side of a small pond. In went the ferret and a short while later out bolted a squirrel to my total surprise, closely follow by the ferret. I have never seen this before in twenty years of hunting, and wondered if anybody else has encountered this or any other surprise's. Cheers Stoney
  20. Well said that Man if the dog is happy then so am i Cheers Stoney
  21. Hi there Shina This is my old saluki x called Sal she is 14 years old in this photo it was taken four days before she died. She loved to work all the way to the end, she will always be sadly missed. So my opinion just let them carry on doing the thing they love to do. Happy Hunting Cheers Stoney
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