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Everything posted by Deerhunter1

  1. 100%, i timed a run a couple of years back you would’ve sworn was 6 mins and it was only 3:40. And 100 yard slip is a very good slip. Easy to get carried away and exaggerate
  2. 6 minutes is a very long time, think if people actually timed runs you’d have a lot less 5/6 minute runs than you think
  3. When you say everything day & night, did it take the larger species of deer in daytime?
  4. The one you lost how did you lose her? Was it through a working injury? If you’re looking for something to do a bit of everything with I wouldn’t worry so much about the breeds, you get good dogs & shit dogs in every cross, just source a pup from parents that are worked to a decent standard. Most importantly though make sure the mother is the sort of dog you’d be happy owning, they put most in to the pups anyway.
  5. Looks a sharp thing that dodger, can obviously knock them over on tighter fields as well
  6. There’s been that many litters of them knocked out from inferior bull crosses & coursing dogs there’ll be a lot more bad ones than good ones about these days. Same as anything I suppose, when you get a good one they’ll be the perfect dog for the lamping man, not so much for daytime work but it’s horses for courses.
  7. Same with mine was first day out of the season
  8. At least he won’t be off too long, had a bad injury the other day with one of mine as well, always this time of year never seems to happen in February
  9. 5:06am you been out lamping in the mornings MC? Fellow coursing dog enthusiasts won’t be happy about that
  10. Nice to see healthy well reared pups. What’s the breeding?
  11. Hard work rearing a litter but worth it I’d say so you know exactly what you’ve got. No surprises down the line finding out the parents haven’t done most of the work you were told they had
  12. Lurcher world is in a bad state and it’s a real shame but you’d be very lucky to get a pup from decent parents these days unless you know the breeder or source them through a close mate. You look on the selling pages and peoples putting shit like Mali’s over bull crosses. I’d rather get a greyhound bitch and breed my own if I was stuck for a pup.
  13. That’s what the men taking the £££ for the stud fees would like you to believe
  14. Funny when these big name dogs get brought up nobody ever mentions the bitches. An average dog could line 2 or 3 good bitches and everyone would give the credit to the dog if the pups turned out decent.
  15. Can be good fun little dogs whippets, I was always a bit sceptical about some of the claims people made about them punching above their weight until I saw it with my own eyes
  16. Been hearing this for years, it’s over, it’s finished. There’s still people that’s keen getting plenty done
  17. Nice bitch Daniel, only saw 1 first cross wheaten x grey bitch was around 23tts, lacked a bit of pace like you’d expect but was no quit in her. Might not catch everything she ran but wasn’t for lack of trying I liked her to be honest
  18. Agree with that statement, could count on 1 hand the amount of dog men I’ve met that I’d want to meet again
  19. Looks a nasty one what’s happened there?
  20. Poor bitch, just puppy machines to some people
  21. Well if he’s a keeper he’s just daft then because I wouldn’t be putting myself in front of a moving car to protect someone else’s land for the shit wages they get
  22. How do you know he owns the land? He might just be a keeper that thinks he owns it because he’s employed by the landowner. Way it looked to me the lads in the car were trying to leave & he was trying to stop them, if he wants to jump in front of a car & he gets hurt it’s his own fault. If I was in that position I wouldn’t be sitting there waiting for the police to come and take my dog off me
  23. Your call mate just a bit of decent advice that might save you a few injuries in the future, but you seem to have already made your mind up that it’s the dogs fault not yours
  24. It’s September, you had a cut pad last weekend and a torn stopper this weekend you’re either terribly unlucky or you’re running on ground that’s too hard for the dog
  25. Don’t waste time with glue or stitches, take it to the vet and get the stopper off that’ll never heal properly. And a bit of advice for the future stop running dogs on hard ground
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