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Everything posted by Deerhunter1

  1. Its a pointless argument really, everyone that knows anything about dogs will tell you a whippet will miss a lot more daytime hares than it’ll catch, feels like this threads been going round in circles for ages
  2. Can’t beat that type of ground to spend the day on, what’s the breeding of the dog?
  3. You can run a dog a month after having a toe off so next season wouldn’t be a write off even if you did need to get it removed. It’s your dog & only you can make the decision but there’s no way I’d run that dog this season if it were mine
  4. If I was you I wouldn’t run him until next season, if you have to get a front toe off it could be all downhill from there. Best way to look at it is your seasons been ruined anyway so just write it off and give him more or less a full year to recover, a bit of patience could save that toe & the rest of his career
  5. Question for the pedigree whippet owners, do you see any advantages in the field of a pedigree whippet over a lurcher and if so what are they? I’ve seen a couple of ped whippets and they were nice little dogs but I’m no expert so be interesting to hear what the men say that have been around them a long time
  6. I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as both parents are properly tested, because if they aren’t you’ll just be doubling up on faults you don’t even know about, but if they are then you’ve got more chance of getting what you want than picking a random stud dog
  7. You can have a bit of fun with them for sure, but to say there’s not much you can’t do with one is stretching it a bit, there’s plenty of things whippets can’t do, and that’s nothing against them I think they can be good little dogs but they’re certainly limited
  8. No idea mate, suppose there’ll be odd decent one out of any dog that lines a lot of bitches won’t there
  9. Dont think so, a lot out of that Jamie dog look like that
  10. If I’m not mistaken the male dogs in that picture are owned by P. Greaves, wouldn’t be using any of them, they’d be lucky if they get ran 3 or 4 times a season
  11. Apparently an accidental mating, but who really knows, there’s an awful lot of supposed accidental matings happen with lurchers. Will be interesting to hear how they turn out being bred so close
  12. You’re not wrong, people must think sankey & nuttall have never got rid of a dog
  13. You’re right, but I think a lot depends on how high a persons expectations are, if you’re happy to just mooch about and catch the odd thing here and there almost any dog will do, but if you want to do a lot of travelling on to different types of ground & run difficult quarry single handed then you’ll have failures, it’s just part of the game, and I’m not talking about people who just run hares I mean all different quarry species
  14. Some of the best dogs I’ve seen personally have came from a mating of line bred coursing types to mixed breed lurchers, I wouldn’t look far past that type in future if I had to get a pup in from someone. I don’t worry about fancy names on pedigrees I’ve seen too many supposedly well bred dogs that were no good
  15. Fully agree, plus some dogs will achieve in 2 seasons what other dogs wouldn’t achieve in 10. Even if they don’t kill themselves a career ending injury is always only 1 run away so it pays to have a replacement coming through.
  16. There’s no man can make a silk purse out of a pigs ear. Some dogs just don’t have the natural ability for the job no matter what you do with them
  17. No don’t do any coursing these days, chased them with a few different types, never had anything above average for hares, I’ve seen a lot better than I’ve owned put it that way
  18. Why is it always ‘Lucas bred’ or whatever when a dog does well, what about the bitches that produced them? It’s always been the way a stud dog lines a few top class bitches that would’ve most likely produced to any dog, then the owner of the stud dog takes all the credit for the pups & makes a fortune lining a load of useless bitches that shouldn’t be bred from in the first place
  19. First time I went coursing to hull my dogs got well and truly beaten, saw some hares round hull & goole that were as good as any I saw on fens
  20. Lovely healthy pups, can see they’ve been well reared
  21. Can’t very well be be giving mothers any credit, where would the stud fees go?
  22. Did the bitch not have a mother or did Lucas provide 100% of her genetics and hare catching ability all by himself?
  23. Had both & id always have a bitch now if I’ve got the choice. Saw a couple of good dogs but most of the real good ones I’ve seen have been bitches, find that I get on better with them as well, more loyal & easier to train
  24. What I mean is I’ve had a dog myself that was like that, and he ended up throwing the towel in on easy quarry. On the other hand I’ve had a bitch that would never go off hunting up, just behaved herself & did what she was told, but she’d push herself through 100 times what that “high driven” dog would’ve done
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