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Everything posted by Deerhunter1

  1. Been hearing the games f****d for a long time, for some people I’d say you’re right but there’s a good few still getting plenty done
  2. Good bit of fun on rough grass meadows, good eating as well
  3. It is, and the hares there can only be caught by white/cream curly tailed dogs with big ears
  4. Colour of the soil is a giveaway, had a few good early mornings round there
  5. Have seen a couple of saluki/greys that would go in to any sized deer & not just as a one off, but they were both closely related & the only ones I have seen that would stick it out on bigger deer on even a semi regular basis. My own dogs are saluki lurcher based but they have other blood in their make up as well, I’m not one for getting hung up on pedigrees though, performance of the parents and grandparents is much more important to me than what breeds are in there
  6. That was one of the things I liked about the deerhound x bull x grey I mentioned, it had such an easy going temperament but it flicked like a switch when it was time to work
  7. How do you find the deerhound crosses? Wouldn’t mind seeing a decent one run at some point, only saw 1 years back that came off platts, it was ok caught a few bits here and there but nothing special. Did see a deerhound x bull x grey one night though and even though they’re not my usual type I’d have owned that one no problem
  8. Single or double it’s up to each person how they want to run their own dogs id never try and tell anyone what they should be doing. Just for me as times gone on its gotten less about catching everything and more about seeing how good the dog is
  9. To be honest I’ve got very little experience with foxing so I’ve got no opinion on it, I wouldn’t ever try and tell someone about their job when I know nothing about it. There’s certain things do need doubled on though from time to time I’ll agree
  10. That’s true & if you were in to catching deer for money you wouldn’t be running mature fallow bucks, much easier to knock over does, lighter to carry & less chance of injury to the dog
  11. The test of the dog though is doing it single handed over a period of time, if a dog does one buck single then gets ran doubled the rest of its career it doesn’t really prove the dogs ability because it might have jacked if it was ran single handed.
  12. I agree and when it comes to deer it’s much the same, if the dogs capable single then why not just run it single
  13. But surely if 1 dog was being made a prat out of then the fox had done well, beaten the dog and deserved to get away? Thats the way I’d look at it
  14. Not a good idea to give names of places out on an open forum, just invites idiots to go and try them & might ruin it for decent people that are already running those areas
  15. Always thought that numbers thing didn’t make much sense. Surely instead of doubling up on 6 foxes or deer you’d have been better giving each dog 3 runs single handed. Then you actually know what you’re feeding rather than stacking the odds in the dogs favour
  16. I’d say it should be compulsory
  17. I cant contribute much to that @mC HULL I’m not a fan of doubling up unless it was on something that really needs it. Single handed achievements are the most important thing to me with my dogs
  18. They’re not going to be as fast as a purpose bred hare courser obviously, because the bull cross will be heavier & the whippet much smaller. But for a lot of the quarry shown on this thread speed isn’t all you need to think about
  19. Why would anyone get a bull x and worry about its hare catching ability? Can see on this thread there’s plenty interesting quarry without having to think about hares
  20. It is a dominant gene, If you just breed saluki/greyhounds back to each other eventually you’ll end up with more or less a pure saluki which is not for me. I couldn’t do what I like to do without it, but the last thing I want in my dogs is for the saluki gene to come to the forefront, I understand everyone’s different and some people love it but for me I don’t want my dogs looking or acting anything like a saluki.
  21. I’ve got it in my dogs I need the extra wind for some of the work I do with them, but apart from the stamina & the running brain there’s nothing else I like about them. Most of the dogs I’ve seen carrying a lot of saluki blood are happy to run things but lack the urgency to get it over with quickly, and they’re fine when the quarry is running away from them but when they start getting a bit back they don’t like it. Thats just my take on it and that’s a couple of reasons why I only like just enough in my own dogs.
  22. If someone wants to add more speed to a line of bull blooded dogs, but doesn’t want to add saluki which is totally understandable if you don’t like that kind of dog, then going back to a greyhound or heavily greyhound influenced lurcher is really the only way. Saluki blood can bring a lot to the table but it can bring a lot of negatives as well so I can see why some people wouldn’t want to risk adding it to their dogs
  23. Good night for a first time, I’ve not caught double figures of rabbits local in a long time
  24. Good thread nice to see a variety of deer pictures, hopefully stays on track if people realise nobody cares about whippets, salukis, or the differences between them
  25. No that goes hand in hand with losing the dogs, worst part of getting caught for anyone these days I’d say
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