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Everything posted by Deerhunter1

  1. If we’re going to talk about bigger deer I can see this topic getting silly real quick
  2. Individuals of many crosses make good deer dogs, but it depends what you think makes a good deer dog really don’t it? Everyone’s got different ideas there’s a lot of variety in deer
  3. Yeah that’s right, but what I’m getting at is you get real good dogs both line bred & scatter bred. A lot of the talk you get from lads is because somethings scatterbred it’s like a 2nd rate lurcher, and not in the same class as a line bred dog, and that’s often not the case
  4. Not coursing bred, had a bit of saluki blood in em but not coursing bred dogs
  5. Pre ban I saw some line bred deer dogs meant to the business but when I seen them they weren’t a patch on scatterbred dogs me & a mate had at the same time, makes you think
  6. Obviously can’t be done on a public forum but best way would be compare & see who caught what last season, if lads are right in what they say the line bred dogs should’ve put loads more away
  7. Got to disagree mate top 3 dogs I’ve seen in my life been bred from unrelated parents, my current bitch she’s bred from unrelated stuff and I’ve never seen a line bred dog that could match her for all round work, that’s just my opinion like doesn’t mean to say I’m right in all cases it’s just what I’ve seen myself and I’ve seen a fair amount of dogs run
  8. I think if you’ve got any dog & bitch that are exactly what you want, then you’d be a fool not to put them together whether they were related or not. A lot of people won’t breed unrelated stuff or scatterbred stuff because it’s a gamble but tbh all breedings a gamble, if it weren’t then everyone would have top class dogs and over all my years in dogs I’ve not seen many at all
  9. With working dogs people always waffle on about breeding this & breeding that but nobody mentions the owners. A dog could have all the potential in the world but without the right owner that’s going to bring it out the dog won’t never amount to anything. There’ll be loads of good dogs go to waste cause they get given to messers, it’s impossible to say how many good dogs were in a litter most of them don’t get a fair crack anyway
  10. Anyone can have bad luck now and again but if you’ve got a line of dogs and they’re all getting bashed up all the time I’d say it’s no coincidence. I like a dog that can look after itself, get the job done without needing a lot of time off but that’s just me & I don’t expect everyone to feel the same
  11. Everyone has bad dogs now and again it’s just part of it, anyone that says they ain’t you want to be taking with a massive pinch of salt and whatever you do don’t get a pup off them, that’s good advice if you choose to take it
  12. These dogs that were better than yours how many you seen run? In the flesh like not on tape? See what I’m getting at you get yourself a dog and it fails, so you go straight back to the same line based on stories about dogs you’ve not seen, that’s how a lot of lads end up with shit dogs cause they go off what they been told not what they seen
  13. How do you know your old one wasn’t a one off though? And how do you know who the honest men are that’s got the line?
  14. I’m not big on pedigrees tbh I just put a good bitch to a good dog it’s worked for me, but if I got a pup from a certain line and it failed I wouldn’t be sticking money in the man’s hand for another that’s for sure
  15. If pups didn’t work out and parents didn’t produce why would you source more from same lines? Surely you’d try something bred a different way
  16. I’ve seen some similar, bad coats, feet etc, always getting knocked up, couldn’t really put your finger on it but just seemed fragile, like a little knock that another dog would shrug off seemed to have em out of action for weeks
  17. Nice them mate can’t beat a good coat on a dog
  18. Nice looking bitch, hard to replace the good uns
  19. Depends if the men doing the breeding have looked at the dogs faults honestly or not, seen it happen lads that kennel blind, think there dogs are perfect but ignoring major faults then they put mother to son, father to daughter or full brother sister matings & they end up with loads of problems
  20. When I was younger I’d have invited you for a day out, but over the years I’ve learned there’s no point trying to show people things when they’ve got their head stuck in the mud. Your dogs keep you happy and that’s a good thing, no better feeling than being proud of your dog, but be under no illusion the type you keep would be left wanting in a number of disciplines. That being said you love the type you keep and I respect that
  21. Won’t get no arguments from me there mate I’ve seen some real good runs on hares at night
  22. There was me thinking I would get called a liar, but I think that’s more likely to be directed at you now, cheers
  23. Days of getting big money for lurchers are over I think so a lot of the money men will be dropping out, work commitments forced sale etc etc
  24. A lot of boys count ones they ain’t even run, kill 1 and it’s turned in to 3 by the time they get home
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