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Everything posted by Deerhunter1

  1. Hopefully bitch gets a decent owner this time that won’t pass it on when they get bored of it
  2. Well that’s a good thing for you then because the people that have done a bit of hunting can see straight through your bullshit
  3. Legend has it Levi caught a 14 pointer with 1 dog and carried it back to the car over his shoulder but that might not be true who knows
  4. Think you missed a trick there, you could’ve got rid of the lurchers and gone with Levi knocking over moose and bears with the pointer
  5. I had a feeling you would say you were successful, a 350lb deer with a 70lb dog single handed is an amazing achievement, I thought I’d seen some proper deer dogs but nothing that compares to that, fair play levi I’m impressed by your greatness & I don’t think I’ll ever reach your level
  6. You didn’t say about a 70lb lurcher coursing small red deer, you said you personally had coursed red deer weighing between 150-350lbs with a 70lb dog. I don’t think anyone is jealous of you because in your own words you packed in lurchers 30 years ago, a lot of people on here are still at it so nothing to be jealous of there. How did you get on running the 300lb plus red deer with a single 70lb dog?
  7. Only if it could get them to stop which is unlikely, would need to back them up against a deer fence or in to water, but a healthy un-injured red deer would outrun a pointer without too much trouble
  8. Id say only way a pointer would catch one would be if it was injured, or if there was a fence or bog involved stopping the deer from getting away
  9. Think it’s a bit misleading to use words like coursed & pulled if the deers already been shot first. It’s dying from blood loss anyway all the dog needs to do is follow up
  10. Are you talking average weights here for stags or hinds? Also did you have much success on the 350lb reds you talk of with 1 70lb dog? Im not sure whether you’re talking about dogs actually coursing and pulling deer or dogs following up shot deer?
  11. Given dogs goats milk & cows milk never had a problem with it scouring them, that lamlac is the best I’ve used though I still give it to adult dogs mid winter
  12. Got to agree with mC HULL on this one, hope all these men that have jacked or on about jacking have never got rid of a dog for doing the same
  13. You’re right there, I’m new to this site and it’s easy to get carried away with all the shit talk but in reality who cares, dogs are there for owners enjoyment not to be better than anyone else’s.
  14. By the sounds of this topic I should’ve got a coursing dog years ago I’d have maxed out the game dealers
  15. I’m not a wealthy man mate make no secret of it, I’ve done the bare minimum amount of work my whole life so I can be out with my dogs but if I can make an easy few quid I’ll take it all day ?
  16. If he really is as confident in his dogs as he makes out then fair play to the man, they must be a decent sort of animal. But if he talks the talk on here and doesn’t really think his dogs up to the task then that’s a bit odd don’t you reckon
  17. On a serious note you said about red hinds, I’ve got some good spots for reds, put down a grand each I’ll run my bitch against your Romeo bred dog, this ain’t me bluffing trying to get out of it by talking money im keen to have a bet on it because I’ve seen a lot of dogs run deer over the years and this one I’ve got now is as good as anything I’ve seen so makes it interesting and backs up all the shit talk about my dog can do this and that etc.
  18. Don’t worry about blanking mate I’ve got a dog here that can catch one for you if all else fails, you’ll have something for the freezer regardless ?
  19. You’re not related to Jeff Burrell by any chance are you?
  20. If you can’t move a fallow buck you’re not moving a mature red hind, so basically what you’re saying is you’d only run females because the males are too much for your dog just to be clear? Because that’s exactly the point I was making earlier. For what it’s worth a red hind is a massive lump of an animal and won’t be bullied the same way a roe will, fallow does I don’t think are all that difficult for a good deer dog but red hinds take some stopping on their size alone
  21. Strength don’t make a deer dog mate it’s more about technique and having the bottle to go in to something much bigger than themselves
  22. 100% that’s what I’m saying mate, from what I’ve seen you couldn’t even compare em. My dogs got bits of other stuff in there as well mind, but I’d put her against any line bred coursing dog on any deer day or night.
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