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Everything posted by WoodsHuntingWolf

  1. This looks stunning right about now, lovely supper
  2. Can anyone recommend some good monthly subscription Hunting/Fishing magazines for the UK? Love getting post and I'd like to get some stuff more tailored to my interest, cheers
  3. Oh really? Sorry I'm new so I wasn't too sure thank you a lot for your help
  4. Also just to make sure I’m not interested in hunting wolves ?
  5. The rabbits here are super small so it did work, like really small like you sometimes can’t tell if they’re babies
  6. Recently I had bought and received a MK V4 Fenn Trap and to test it I put it down a rabbit hole that I knew was at least semi used by the rabbits, low and behold not being able to help myself 2 hours later I checked it and there was my first ever carcass. I brought it back into the house skinned it, gutted and chopped it up the rabbits out here are very small so I didn't get a tonne of food nonetheless it was a really good experience and I'm glad to have gained the experience from it! Not to mention, it was a tasty meal! I have to say my least favourite part was the smell, and the fa
  7. Hello all! I'm a very new hunter and just starting, I am mainly focused on rabbits and squirrel right now but hope to catch deer later on down the road. I have purchased a mk v4 Trap recently and it has arrived yesterday! I am currently waiting to trap some rabbits and very exited about it. I love nature and the outdoors and I hope to self sustain myself when I move out and become more experienced!
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