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Everything posted by Geoff.C

  1. Destroying rabbits? I should think so! 12 bore slug is the type of ammunition that boar hunters use if they prefer using a shotgun instead of a rifle. They are only available on a FAC I think. R.W.S market them as a Brenneke bullet, i think that is just their name for them, rather than a generic term. Often, they are rifled, to give a bit of a spin down a smooth barrel. They would be ok for short range foxes, but I would prefer BB shot or larger myself.
  2. If you were to be able to shoot every squirrel in your area, you would no doubt have a "squirrel free" period, when you could go around and not see one. Outside your area though, there will be families of squirrels being produced, and eventually the young ones look for territory of their own. It is said that nature abhors a vacuum, so the empty space you kindly made for them seems like a good place to live! Similar situations arise with rabbits and foxes. They all can be reduced or even eradicated,in an area, but it's never permanent.
  3. Best way is both as bert says. Generally, you would only change one if you had a mishap with a spring on a nearly new motor.Fitting just one is ok then. If you were to put just one on a older motor, it could sit high on one side, or/ and the spring rate may be a bit different and affect the handling. Tip! Don't tighten the swinging shackle bolts until the weight is back on the wheels. That way, the swivel can articulate naturally.
  4. Don't worry mate, they are addictive, but won't do you any harm like fags and dope! Try to not have a silly grin on your face as you drive along! I am on my 3rd Suzuki 4x4, must be beyond help by now!
  5. We always feed chicken and boiled rice, if any of our dogs get the "runs". This is very bland, and will not cause any more stomach irritation, but does provide protein and stops the hunger.
  6. I mostly use 1/4 and 1/4, you will be surprised how effective this is, on close clays and 35 yard-ish ones. Usually only go to 1/4 and 1/2 if there is anything that looks a bit far out. This is with fibre wads, as apart from one ground, everywhere I go is fibres only, so I don't buy plaswads anymore.
  7. Ian has recently done a poll on people's preference and cost of .22 ammo. Have a quick search for that. I would imagine .17 results would be similar.
  8. I had an Investarm .410, and although I never had an incident like this, the top lever action sounds normal. You had to push the lever right across to recock the gun after firing. As your mate has it in "folding" mode, I wonder if he is swinging it shut a bit too vigorously?Mind you. it could probably fire in normal mode if not recocked fully? I never used mine as a folder, but it sounds as if the gape stop is missing, if he has no choice. When the fore end wood is off, and the barrels removed, the pin can fall out. It is only about an inch of 6mm approx bright steel bar. This engages with slo
  9. I agree, nice list, might have been quicker to list who you DO like!! While I could join you thumping most of them actually, I just wonder what Danny Blanchflower could have done to annoy you??
  10. He looks a nice pup Nik, glad to see he has a cage for his own space. Our 14 month lad still likes to go in his cage for his food, and an afternoon nap! You will no doubt be wanting Ollie to work to the gun, so whatever he has in his mouth, best shoes,handbag,wallet,cutlery etc, he is a good boy! Call him in and tell him so, get him confident that coming to you with whatever he has, is the right thing to do. Good luck with him.
  11. I have a thing for sizing .177 pellets, I can't remember the name, but you press each pellet through the central hole with a push rod. As each one is done, you store them in the outer ring, in sets of five. It holds 50 when full. There is no writing on it, might be a "sizerpack" or similar. I used it when I did paper punching, until the H&N match packs came out. These had all selected pellets in foam strips. Edit. Just done a quick google, and it is indeed "sizerpac" . They are only in .177 I think, but some on e-bay if they are any good to you.
  12. Very sorry to read this. Smoker was a big influence on me when I first took up clays. A phenomenal shot and a real nice guy too. His speed at "Starshot" (remember that?) was incredible, using a sawn off Winchester with about 24 1/2 inch barrels. Sad that recent events have caused him to take his own life. RIP.
  13. The DeciMeater proofed for rimfire, definitely has "stuffing" in it. It's described as fire resistant, milspec acoustic material. This can clearly be seen, through the threaded hole in my proof marked one. It looks ok, but has only had about 300 rounds through it. The material is wrapped around three slotted alloy tubular sections, to maintain shape. I think the price was about forty quid, same as the air gun version. Time will tell if it was a good buy!
  14. Tell me more about this mod please, not one I'm familiar with..Cheers!! I too have a 452 Style carbine with a Hogan moderator. At least that's what my rfd said it was! When I went in with a view to buying a new rifle, I saw this one and it had the mod on it already, purely to make it long enough to sit in the gun rack properly. In Shooting Sports magazine from May 2009, is a test on a air rifle mod called a Hogan Decimeater. It got a good report and the article said a proofed version for .22rf was shortly to be brought out. This is what mine is apparently, although there is no name, only
  15. Good result Adam. It just shows how a bit of patience and consideration can pay off. Pleased for you.
  16. I wouldn't call her career over, don't give up like that. As Topper says, take your time, don't put any pressure on and she will gain her confidence back. Try to work away from any electric fences, you know what a belt they can give. I would imagine it would be worse for a lightly built dog. I hate the things, (electric fences, not dogs)they are all round my permission, I once got such a shock when my gun barrel touched one, that I involuntarily threw the gun about 10 feet and scrapped the scope.
  17. I think the whole thread is a waste of time. The O.P. has put the same question in the gundog section. His first post in the new member section, just asked how many posts needed before you can post in other sections? Main activity has been in the dogs wanted and for sale sections.Some members think he's a peddler, but he could just be someone who doesn't know what sort of field sport to get into? Time will tell.
  18. I logged on yesterday, and clicked on new content. Instead of the usual 10 to 15 pages, it said there was no new content? Also very slow when trawling through the sections.
  19. Anything with Beretta stamped on it, will do all you need.
  20. It's "horses for courses" mate. There are different gundog types, depending on what your requirements are. Do you want to pick up on a shoot, rough shoot with your own dogs, beat, flush, wildfowling or what? When you know what your interest is, read the gundog section. Gundogs are all good, but some are better than others at certain tasks.
  21. Just had a look at the fixture list in "Pull" magazine. I don't know if these are near Ilfracombe or not, but grounds listed as open in Devon are,Axminster GC 01404 881588, Newnham Park 01752 348066 and South west shooting school 01271 864784. I think the 2nd one is near Plymouth? Sorry if this is no help, I can see no other Devon shooting grounds advertised.
  22. There could be two sources of water from the heater. If the heater matrix (small radiator) inside the heater is leaking, or a connecting pipe from the engine, then the water will be sweet tasting and perhaps green. (Anti freeze) The engine radiator level will be reducing too. The best way to deal with it, would be to find out how to remove the matrix and replace it, or get it repaired. The other source could be rain or melted snow, getting into the heater ducting because the drains are blocked. The fresh air intake on the front scuttle, always has rain water passing through, but this should
  23. All the best to you too PV.
  24. Antique dealer!! Heh Heh, you are right SS, the brass ones are very old, I think I had them for my very first shot gun. About the same year they first walked on the moon!! I think the use of snap caps is a personal choice, I have always used them to let the firing pin springs off, but as you say, the ejector springs are then tensed up while the gun is stored. My oldest gun is a Lanber, and though when clay shooting, we catch the empties and drop them in a bin, if you "let them go", they certainly don't fly like they used to when the gun was new.
  25. There is plenty of snap caps on e-bay. I have had 12 gauge and .410, and though made of plastic seem robust enough. (The "primer" for the firing pin to hit, is spring loaded metal) I have a pair of old brass 12's which came supplied with replacement springs and a allen key to remove the end plug and adjust spring tension. Wonder if these are still on sale?
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