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Everything posted by Geoff.C

  1. Probably depends a lot on your firearms officer regarding security, but my mate at work has his cabinet fastened to the loft floor beams. It is lying on it's back across about four beams and held down with huge screws. He has to get the loft ladder out to get at, or put away his guns. Most clay clubs have an instructor, and depending on your area, £35 ish will get you an hour's instruction. You can learn a hell of a lot in a couple of sessions.
  2. Don't tar all people who live in towns with the same brush Minnie. There are as many anti-everything people living in the country.
  3. I have a Lanber, it's done all I ask of it for years. Think it was the late 's I bought it, and apart from a couple of firing pins and a spring, it has been reliable. Would I have another? Yes, but I would check it out carefully. I know two people who have bought them recently, a 12 bore and a 20 bore. Fresh from the factory, you couldn't break them to load up. the chap with the 12 is pushing the top lever and breaking it against his knee. The 20 was bought by a workmate for his daughter. She just could not use it on her own,so we stoned the pivots on the barrels and action. Then put valve g
  4. Land of my Fathers, it brings a tear to my eyes every time I hear it. A male voice choir leading the crowd, would give maximum effect.
  5. Geoff.C


    Highly doubtful. The best these lot can expect is a free stay at "her majesties"!!
  6. Geoff.C

    killed by lions

    I can't get to see it. Do you need a youtube account for this one? Can find it in the list, and select it, but it will not run. What am I doing wrong?
  7. You are dead right mate,hunting it was NOT. The "hunters" only had to stroll 20 yards from the jeep, then sit on their flanges in a hide until a pig or antelope strolled over to the hay pile. The cross bow bolt was going right through at that short range!! Still, if it keeps the local economy going, and the rarer breeds are saved from extinction, who are we to knock it? I was a bit disappointed, that Louis didn't manage to just squeeze a shot off though.
  8. Hello Dullahan, welcome to the forum. There will be plenty on here to interest you, and probably you will be able to advise others with your years of experiences.
  9. That's what it's all about, isn't it Disco? It's great if you get a good bag of rabbits or whatever, but as long as you have a nice walk/ride in good company and in pleasant surroundings all is well with the world.
  10. With all the rescue centres heaving with dogs, it's amazing how difficult it can be to get what you really want. When you get your dog or puppy, don't just "go it alone", you can learn so much by attending a dog club or local branch of the URC (united retriever club) if you have one. If you can get it right from the start, it's much easier than putting right mistakes. My biggest single complaint with some male handlers, is this need to be macho all the time. Women are much more natural and tend to get faster results, as they don't try to keep up an act. Know in your own mind exactly what you
  11. I would say (if that lab had had some proper training) that the shot squirrel had in fact cleared off. The dog was just wondering "what do these two want me to retrieve"??? If this is what you are basing not wanting a lab on, you have much to learn about dogs.
  12. Hello John, welcome to the forum. Are mink a problem on the Isle of Lewis?
  13. The postage sounds a bit excessive, but schraeder valves to work with the high pressure sound cheap enough to me at £4. Sure you can get automotive types designed to cope with tyre pressure, for pence, but they are not good enough. If you have a light aircraft maintenance facility nearby, you might try priceing up some schraeder valves for oleo legs. Best to just get the proper jobs in my opinion.
  14. I always thought that Red Rum gained a huge advantage with stamina, because Ginger McCain ran him on Southport beach so much. Now his lad is in charge, they seem to have have moved inland a bit, so beach running is not so convenient now. Is that the magic ingredient to give Cloudy some more stamina? My 5p worth anyway. Just off to back Hedgehunter.
  15. Welcome to "Cammo man", make the most of his services, 'cause when "Top Gear" is back on,Clarkson will want "The Stig" back!!
  16. Ruby Walsh is red hot after a good week at Aintree. He is on Hedgehunter, so must be worth a punt?
  17. Anyone who can't appreciate a full on "how to wring the max from it", display by the Reds has no frigging soul in my opinion. Leveler is right though, the invites for the opening ceremonies have yet to be sent. The Reds could be there yet.
  18. There are several ways to ensure you are insured when out shooting. Personally, I choose CPSA, it's £30 a year for "Clubman" membership, I don't shoot registered clays so this is fine. You get 10 magazines a year with your £5 mill civil liability, and £20 thou personal accident cover. Works for me, has done for years.
  19. I do the same as you John, "View new posts". I scan down them and just read the ones that sound interesting to me,or that I might be able to contribute to. If you haven't visited for a day,there could be 6--9 pages of new stuff, so I filter it a bit. Mad al, sorry you think there is a "know all" culture developing. Are you talking generally or just in airguns? The temporary "mad" guests and trouble makers annoy me, folk can be quickly put off by needless drivel from them.
  20. Not sure if I am right on this, but I think the cull is going ahead in a limited area. Possibly it's Devon or Cornwall way,South definitely,and the "powers that be" will evaluate the results to determine if they are actually doing the right thing??
  21. If it doesn't suit you John, just PM me and I will drive down and take it off your hands,and as I'm feeling generous I'll give you £450 for it too!!! Seriously you should be fine with it, I like the 686 range, and am looking into a new "black action" one next year. My mate has a 682 gold "E", which is visually beautiful, but I can't get on with it, it doesn't mount like a 686.
  22. Yes,as long as he keeps taking his tablets!!
  23. Hello "Mongers", welcome to the forum. You haven't said what sort of sport you are interested in. Get posting now you aren't lurking!!
  24. Geoff.C

    vintage cars

    Heh heh, a blast from the past that old Ford. It's identical to my 1st car, £25 I paid for it at 10 years old. 1172cc side valve engine,3 speed g'box. No heater, no water pump,just a thermo-siphon set up. One wiper that stopped if you put your foot down and wooden floor boards. The headlamp beams were feeble,it being only a 6v system. Lots of fun and happy memories though!! Not many around that haven't been cut about and turned into a hotrod.
  25. There is a saying, something like "From little acorns,mighty oaks doth grow". Well, it looks like you have planted your acorns. Shoot with care and consideration and you may be surprised what extra permission will come along. Best of luck matey.
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