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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Matt

    Poacher Fined

    Not the brightest, eh? The fact that he followed him right into the police station made me laugh Had it myself once with an animal rights idiot that followed me right into Newent nick during the badger cull...... on that occasion, the old bill did absolutely nothing
  2. I don't watch TV at all. I like the radio, and I watch the odd DVD, but apart from the occasional look when with company, I don't watch it at all. I get very annoyed with people (like my wife) who plan their lives around what's on the gogglebox
  3. Incorrect. Cat's remain the property of their owner regardless of where they happen to be. If you kill a cat you deprive the owner of their property even if you do present them with a corpse afterwards.
  4. http://www.torquayheraldexpress.co.uk/Poacher-caught-dogs-knife-fields-near-Newton/story-26054127-detail/story.html
  5. I used to loose quite a few traps but I've developed a system that works for me and has dramatically reduced my losses. I have printed maps of each farm (I copy and paste off Bing Maps) and I put a number (or name) in each field. I them list the number of traps in each field in my waterproof notebook and when I check the traps I list the captures. When the time comes to lift the traps I know exactly how many should be in each field. I keep going round and round until I've found them all. This is all very different to when I used to just record the total number of traps on the far
  6. If your dog kills a cat you are guilty of the offence of theft, as you've 'deprived' the rightful owner of their property. Sad but true. The owners of cats cannot be held liable for their actions, whilst the cats remain their property and cannot be harmed. However, if a cat is run over by a vehicle on the highway, you are not obliged to stop or report the 'accident'
  7. I often straighten out runs to fit a trap I don't think the kinesthetic memory of moles is vastly different to any other animal regardless of what that self proclaimed 'expert' and author of books says
  8. On a slightly different note, I've just found this. http://www.dsrtashburton.org.uk/hill-safety/emergency/999sms/ Very useful information for anyone working alone in the countryside
  9. That's not pretty I tend to use the blue nitrile type gloves most of the time.
  10. I always try and trap the main run into a feeding area, and then I tend to pop a trap right into the middle of the feeding area as a back up. I think it's something to do with my days of using Strychnine, when I did the same It seems to work well enough for me
  11. Kinesthetic memory All animals have it; moles may well have a more highly developed version given the environment they live in and their poor eyesight
  12. What you say makes perfect sense BUT..... my own experience is that it doesn't make any difference I've caught hundreds of moles in flooded tunnels
  13. The fact that you need to ask confirms that the moderator concerned made the right decision removing your topic. If you don't like it here, don't log in. We have rules that are not optional
  14. I first used Talpex about 12 years ago, and when I worked for a big national pest control company I issued them as the standard trap for technicians. I use a few for those annoying blockers, but for me, the Duffus really does everything I want it to do. I'd never go over to Talpex completely because they cost too much and can only catch one mole at a time. I run 300 Duffus type traps, and carry about a dozen Talpex when I'm doing the first trap check and pop them into any Duffus that's been blocked with soil. I can't see a time when I'd reach for a Talpex over a Duffus when first
  15. Good old Ditchshitter used to call them 'Crapman' with good reason. Whilst I think they are making a few cages, most of what they sell is chinky crap. If you are after Talpex, buy the genuine ones from Ratpack. I'm just about to order another 10 myself; £85 delivered
  16. I do live in Cardboard City; whilst my wife lives in the house I pay a mortgage on.......
  17. Loose tooth; bad temper.....

    1. patterdale


      Lose your temper with yourself and knock the loose one out !

    2. Matt


      I'll be yanking it out before too long. Driving me nuts...

    3. RossM


      Sensitive finger.......

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  18. Matt, can I ask were the runs flooded when you set the traps? I've been leaving any that have more than a bit of water in them. Should I be setting the traps anyway? Yes As I said in an earlier post this evening; I'm a lazy fecker..... If I go to the trouble of dropping to my knees to pray to the God of Molecatchers, and open up a run; if a trap will go in............... it does. I had one run last January that was full of running water. I pushed the trap in, and held little hope; but that run nearly paid my mortgage that month
  19. In which case you need to educate whatever idiot has decreed that only live traps can be used To my mind, there's nothing crueller than confining a wild animal (even a rat) in a cage when you could dispatch it safely and efficiently with a simple break back trap that's been safely set up.
  20. Exactly the type of ground I'm talking about
  21. Matt I had 6 blocked today in the same runs I've caught in. this be down to the amount of water flowing perhaps? No, it's nothing to do with the water I've caught lots and lots of moles in runs that are completely flooded. I'd look at how you've reset the traps when you removed your initial capture if I were you
  22. OK, cards on the table, the majority of my workload these days is on upland farms... BUT, I've done more than my share of garden (small) type jobs over the years. Hand on heart; I've never found a job that I couldn't use a Duffus on. Fair enough, I've had the odd run that a trap wouldn't fit into, but I've always found that if you open your mind and widen your outlook, there's usually another run not a million miles away that a Duffus trap will fit into... The simple fact is that I'm a lazy fecker, and I can't be arsed with sifting through a bucket of traps looking for one that 'fit
  23. Every time I see a new trap like the No-Mole hit the UK market and the way people fall for them I wonder if I'm a dinosaur sticking to my Duffus traps.... I keep thinking that I'd quite like to try this stuff out, and even just have it for my (feeble) collection, but then when it comes down to it, I just reach for the Duffus.. Having said all that, I've just forked out for a few genuine Talpex traps to shove into any blocked traps I get this year. I've got 300 duffus traps washed, bucketed up, and ready to go. I don't see the point in forking out hard earned coin for traps that
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