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Everything posted by Matt

  1. After months of umming and ahhing about it, I decided to fork out for some genuine Talpex traps for those annoying trap blockers we all have from time to time Anyway, following a recommendation from Mr Wasp, in the early hours of Friday morning I ordered 10 from Ratbait, and within hours I had a text message confirmation that my order had been dispatched and would be delivered on Monday. At 10am today, APC knocked the door with my box of traps. Outstanding service! Anyway, it's been a few years since I've handled these traps, and I have to say that they stink of quality. T
  2. I love reading, and can't deny I've learnt alot from books BUT....... There is nothing as good as getting out and about and trying out theories and techniques for yourself You'll learn as you go along and make mistakes and that knowledge will stay with you much longer than the stuff you read in books
  3. Fenland Molecatcher - by Arthur Randal. Outstanding though rare Moles & Their Control - by Guy N Smith. Not bad, but some rubbish in it. The only two worth paying money for in my opinion
  4. Too right I charge for every one, regardless of colour, race, creed or sex... I'm nothing if not unprejudiced when it comes to vermin
  5. That's no way to talk about Florence the terrier That was the pinnacle of my 35 years of molecatching. I'm off back to the same place in a few weeks, so fingers crossed for another
  6. JohnB has since digitised it and tidied it up a bit: http://www.fourteenacre.co.uk/shop/professional-mole-trapping-dvd/ You still need subtitles to understand some of it though
  7. Why bother? If the trap is tuned correctly it should go off the second a mole touches it, with or without soil. I never bother, and don't seem to struggle to catch them
  8. Hmm, I'll see what I can do for you.
  9. Here ye go: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rats-Destroy-Them-Traps-Trapping/dp/1846640261/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1424629599&sr=1-1&keywords=How+to+destroy+rats
  10. cock y condu books (I'm sure that's not how it's spelt).
  11. Get some pics up Clive! One of the most striking differences is the size of the holes the trigger wires go through... less play means a more positive firing of the trap As you say, the barrel is narrower and more rounded; in fact, you could say it's more the shape and size of a mole run than the modern copies
  12. Matt, which crimpers would you recomend for the double ferrels from them ?, mine dont seem to work on the ones i bought, Cheers Brian To be honest mate, I don't know what sort mine are.... I've had them for years, and suspect they are the Network ratchet type. I'd post a picture of them, but they are currently on my workbench 100 miles away. When I bought anchors off Arrow, I fitted my own cable.
  13. That's 'Pest Tech' you went to Different show, marginally more interesting
  14. Possibly one of the most boring days out I've ever had I'm sure it'll appeal to some folks, but I can think of better things to do with a day out.
  15. Are you sure the pink string isn't a personal 'preference' ?? You can post as much as you like about setting french traps..... just lay off the Duffus, eh?
  16. Just in case you missed it: I neither know nor care what's afoot (as it were), but take it to PM or drop it. OK?
  17. You lads take that little spat to PM please or just drop it Your choice This is a nice place to be at present, and I really can't be assed to put the big mod hat on and start spanking folks (unless it's D'arcy of course, in which case, where'd you like it sir?)
  18. So he's buying the beer then Matt! Thats gonna cost him! Indeed It's a genuine offer although anybody wanting to take me up on it needs deep pockets and lot's of understanding, because I really can put a bit away when someone else is paying
  19. You are welcome to come down here and have a bit of time out with me The only conditions are that I don't supply accommodation, or pay for beer, and you never set foot in Devon again after you've been out with me
  20. Hope GW is well and the 'spirits' are with him
  21. I don't want them all I just want my share without every fly by night chancer thinking that it's easy money if they undercut me by a couple of quid a mole and take out the easy work just leaving me the crap jobs I'm happy to keep the 'dark art' to myself until I hit the bottom of a deep hole in the meantime, those that can, do, whilst those that think they can train others to do a mans job.......
  22. Arrow anchors. I can't recommend them highly enough
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