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Everything posted by Matt

  1. What are peoples thoughts on the two groves on top of the blade? I know Chieftain Forge have tried to replicate the same thing, and I had thought the purpose of them may have been to lift out trap sticks (the ones to hold the board tops down), but those look more 'dishy' than the others I've seen Any ideas?
  2. Yes, thanks. I’ve tried the Black Pearl mouse bait, but with very little success – they just wouldn’t take it. I also understand it was used for pigeons, long, long before my time: I wonder if any of that found its way down a mole hole. It was used for Pigeons as 'Seconal'. Good stuff I'm old enough to have used concentrated Alpha to mix baits for mice; and very effective it was too As I understand it, it's use against moles on the continent has brought mixed results. I'm sure Nicepix can enlighten us, but I think that if it was half effective as Strychnine nobody would use a
  3. I have a particular location in mind which limits the options. A bunch of poultry houses surrounded on three sides by a lane. A quiet lane but still public access. I have snared one or two foxes in the past on other areas of ground but cannot see how to do it here without being obvious that a fox was caught. I am cautious about using a firearm as there is no suitable backdrop. If small traps are viable I could tuck one away inside one of the coups. I had a similar job once I ended up recommending the Janus fox trap. It was the only one that I could see that was really rugged and had
  4. Enough now chaps please This section has been ticking along nicely lately if folks start demanding apologies for other folks expressing opinions and asking questions, then we'll soon degenerate into the dog section
  5. You might want to amend your country of origin if your flag is anything to go by........ molecatchers are frequently unemployed in that neck of the woods
  6. There are specific laws that prevent the use of unapproved poisons against any animals First port of call when talking of poisons should be the Control of Pesticides Regulations (as issued under the Food and Environmental Protection Act), quickly followed by the Biocides Directive, and then the Wildlife & Countryside Act. The Agriculture Act as amended in 1973 is also interesting
  7. I don't think the ability to knock up your own traps makes you any better a trapper than the guy that buys in traps and catches more
  8. Love the spade Brian Any chance of some close ups and dimensions please?
  9. Yes. It's illegal to 'poison' anything with a product that's not been approved I have actually used Talpirid. It's a good product that would have filled the gap after the removal of strychnine from the market BUT....... the active ingredient doesn't have approval within the EU, and is unlikely to ever get it Anyone stupid enough to import a biocide which does not have approval would run a serious risk of imprisonment
  10. Nice to see this version, of a "vintage trap design",being put to good use,.....lol Nice to talk earlier earthy If only I had mains gas or water, a modicum of technical engineering ability and really short arms I'd be knocking those things out on ebay left right and centre, and using the money I made to buy some nice shiny stainless steel duffus traps It sure as hell is nice to see them in use though all credit to you Perthy...
  11. Talpirid is a US product that I've used. It's a fake worm that contains a poison Very effective in some areas, and very popular stateside
  12. I'm no expert but I've caught quite a few in traps designed for other species that were only 14 inches square and 3 foot long...... If they're hungry, they'll go in In rural areas, I'd personally be looking at other options long before I worried about cages
  13. and there was me thinking you'd be chopping up bits of wood after our chat last night Very good mate Is it as 'silky' smooth as it looks? Mazperks, please don't credit me with starting that thread It was Nicepix that started the conversation about the traps I just used it as a great excuse to get on one of my hobby horses and nag a trap maker Giro, nail, hit, head......... That's exactly what we are saying; nobody should have to 'fettle' a new product it's either fit for the purpose for which it's intended, or it isn't. Hopefully, we will have something fit very soon
  14. What did that poor cat do to deserve that
  15. I'm with you on grass and leaves Clive I also wash and check over all my traps between jobs I smoke (too much) and usually whilst I set traps; I wear gloves (only to keep my hands clean) and I've used traps straight out of the box...... It must affect my catch rate because I only had 25 moles out of 24 traps today
  16. And I gave you the benefit of having some taste Matt - she was nasty piece of work ... Nah, She just didn't like trap collectors, other trap makers, or anyone that ever left the FHT works
  17. She was a smashing maid I always got on very well with her I was very sad when I heard of her untimely death
  18. Just for interest, I once asked Alan Fenn's daughter why he stopped making certain products. "because the person who made that product either died or left" was what she said... I always got the impression that Alan was an 'ideas' man who relied on a good workforce to actually put his ideas into the flesh.
  19. It's to do with the assembly process The hook and the bend which engages the hook wire are preformed (that loop is now stainless) and the holes have been made bigger to allow them to pass through prior to joining them together and squeezing them up Again, I think that's something to do with the assembly process. If those springs are pulled tightly down over the barrel they effectively give a gap between the catching loops when in the unset position If you look closely at a modern trap, the springs sit level rather than parallel with the barrel. You've hit the nail o
  20. I can't see any modern manufacturer going back to the 'laced wire' method of attaching the catching loops to the springs (sadly). It would be too time consuming and fiddly.... I think I now know why those holes have got bigger
  21. Is that single catch one you've got stamped 'Fenn' ?? If so, it's worth a bit well, I'd buy it anyway............
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