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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Take some elastoplast with you
  2. Indeed Happily, the new 'SuperDuffs' will be 100% stainless But I'll still be giving them their rinse Old habits die hard
  3. Look after your kit and it'll work hard for you I pressure wash all my traps off between jobs. It keeps them clean, helps to stop corrosion, and gives me a chance to check them over and tweak them if necessary. I don't lubricate my traps (they don't really need it), but a large proportion of my traps have been treated with Speed Dip. A much larger proportion will be dipped this summer during my quiet season
  4. Sorry Nicepix, I wasn't very clear in my post.... I was referring to removal of dead moles. I can't imagine why anyone would want to remove soil.......
  5. I'm not sure about the rules and regs in France, but here in the UK if you remove 'waste' from a clients premises, you need to register as a waste carrier, and pay for disposal For me, it's simple. I'm paid to catch moles. When I've caught them, they belong to the customer and are therefore their waste For domestic customers, they can chuck them in the bin (or I'll do it for them) and for farmers, they can do with them as they wish. Interestingly, 'wild' animals are exempt from the Animal (By Products) Regulations....... that's the rules that stopped them doing on farm burial of l
  6. I'm really not interested in back packs, bags, or trugs; but it's nice of you to think of me I'm more than happy with my recycled (free) plastic buckets
  7. You need something rigid that will protect your traps. Those builders trugs 'squeeze' together when you pick them up which will potentially squeeze the contents. The buckets I use carry 18 traps in each, which when working on foot means that I can carry two buckets, which is 36 traps. Back to the truck for a sarnie and grab another two buckets and that's 72 traps. That's enough for one day in most peoples books..... Of course, I've got the quad which makes things even easier.........
  8. I think it depends on the customer When I had buying power I used to laugh at the 'list' prices I can see that some pest controllers would put a few traps on top of a bigger order and it would be worth it But for me, these days, I'd buy from the importer.
  9. Killgerm sell genuine Talpex that they buy in off Ratbait.
  10. Not yet JD As things stand at the moment, they hold little appeal to me Having said that; a friend of mine is claiming to now have the sole import rights for them, so I need to be nice about them in case he's got any samples But seriously, like most of the other trap types, I'm too long in the tooth to change my ways... I couldn't be doing with having a load of different traps and trying to find the right sort to fit the run Duffus does it for me, with the occasional Talpex for the annoying blockers
  11. Which will catch first? Well, I'd hazard a guess that the one the mole runs into first will have the best chance unless, that is, you've baited them somehow??
  12. How did they compare on price with buying them from Ratbait Brian? Funnily enough (not funny at all really) I had to spend yet another hour today looking for one of my new Talpex traps that had been removed from a good run.... Bloody badgers anyway, found it in the end, minus it's catch, so at least I only lost a tenner....
  13. My experience of this sort of thing is that less is more
  14. I've now merged the two topics together. I hope that's OK with everyone
  15. Matt would have told you that right up to the point where he became totally disillusioned with the pest control industry and decided to concentrate on moles I do mainly farm work with a few garden jobs thrown in. A few years ago, it was the other way around; but I've got a system for the farms now and enjoy it too much to go back to general pest control... Sure, I get cold, wet, muddy and knackered........ but.......... I love it. Money? Well, I do OK, but probably work harder for less money than I did. One thing I've learned in the last few years is that there are more import
  16. No, I think the probe is for making holes for whip sticks I agree with you about the spade Heritage, but I have seen a very similar design from a catalogue in 1880 which described it as a molecatchers spade
  17. They all work But when was the last time you saw a film star turn up at the Oscars in a Lada
  18. Buy cheap, buy twice As far as I'm aware, everything with the Proctor name on it has been manufactured in China by Mr Wong and his underfed children, using substandard materials I like to buy British whenever possible, which basically means Flatpack these days but having said that I've just bought some genuine Dutch Talpex traps which I'm mightily impressed by
  19. Indeed The man who has learned it all has a closed mind I think that an internet forum is like any other walk of life, except you can't see the person typing so misunderstandings are much easier to have. All I would ask is that members take long deep breaths before replying to something they don't like, and perhaps try not to rise to every bait (real or imagined) they think they can see. Like I said earlier, we don't need WW3. This section has been ticking over nicely of late
  20. Like everything else in this mole game, probes are personal to each user and their trapping style. Do a search in this section for 'probe' and have a read of some of the previous threads.
  21. Again, I'd ask certain members to give a little slack please We don't need world war three on here just because not everyone agrees with everyone else
  22. Everything is happening Our manufacturer now has full details, drawings and measurements and will be starting work within weeks. Anyone who hasn't already expressed an interest, please do so ASAP, either to me direct, Mr Wasp, Flat Pack or on here.
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