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Everything posted by Matt

  1. http://pestpreventer.**"£$%^&*(51.com/index.cgi It looks quite interesting, though quiet. I joined sometime ago, and thought it might go places, but the guy is pushing it on other fora now, so I suspect its struggling.
  2. Sorry Mike, I misunderstood you. When I read: I presumed you meant you were wounding alot. I did not mean too suggest that you were in anyway callous. The point about practice is a serious one though. No matter how good a shot you think you are, the only way to maintain high standards of marksmanship is through practice. A very wise instructor once suggested to me that you should practice in as similar circumstances to the real thing as possible. It makes sense when you think about it; its no use practising in the garden in the middle of the day wearing a teashirt if you are going
  3. Matt


    Originally N Devon, now Wiltshire/Somerset/Dorset borders. To many northerners getting about.
  4. I use a Deben scope mounted light with a dimmer on it. You can turn the power right down and they dont move (same with bunnies). Wounded rats rarely survive long because their 'pals' eat them! I recently shot 15 rats which were all trying to pull a previous victim away to be comsumed. Great sport. Its a very common mistake to use a lamp with too much power; its suprising how little light you need if you have a half decent scope. Once you know where they are turn the light right down and watch your bags go up. If you are wounding lots I suggest you get some practice at targets,
  5. MT, try Ladds at Crediton, or failing that, Rommel down at Helston. Its the kind of thing that dealers have at the back of the cupboard.
  6. I know they aren't as popular these days, but I still use a maglite 3D for general inpection work. They are pretty much indestructable, and it doubles up as a priest. The maglite fits in my bag, or can be dangled off one of those belt loops. For roof spaces, or places where something more powerful is needed, I use a cluliter classic (rechargable) I hear that some of the more modern LED type torches are the dogs - but have no experience yet. I also carry a UV blacklight torch for use with flourecent tracking powder - a fantastic tool. I have just got some of the new flouro bait to t
  7. Try cling film on yer blocks mate. Grain is fine in bags; you can skewer the bag with the rod in the box, it is only going to spill if a rat has partially eaten a bag. You can get over the issue of people picking up yer boxes by anchoring them with some crimped wire, or even screwing them down to a concrete block (buried) - cost, about 50p. The slug problem just aint going away....
  8. Professional (that means qualified) customers only I think........
  9. A mate of mine is trying to locate Adam Attwell, formally of Attwell & Phipps gunsmiths, last known address near Leeds. If anyone knows where he is at the moment, please PM me.
  10. The correct way (I'm going to stir up a hornets nest here) is the bag n bash method. It is quick, clean, and safe. Drowning is illegal and cruel, and shooting is risky and ends up with blood in your traps. Buy a rotproof sandbag, place it over the trap entrance and gently encourage your squirrel into it. Once its in, twist the top over and place your foot over it to prevent escape, and give the squirrel a good wack over the head. Tip it out of the bag and check for eye reflex, pupil dilation and signs of rythmic breathing. If any of those signs of life are present, give it another wac
  11. You should always choose the least toxic method first, regardless of efficiency, especially as Moles are not public health pests. If it takes a little bit longer to achieve complete control, so be it. After all, no-one is going to be harmed as a result - whereas, the risk when using the most toxic pesticide available as a first choice control method is huge. Whoever told you that is wrong. It is now illegal to bury any waste produced as a result of commercial activities. The original question was which of the two products do users prefer - why not do a poll?
  12. OK, reading this thread I think I may stir things up, which is not my intention. Firstly, IMHO, you cannot beat traps for moles (except strychnine). Gassing is expensive, and unreliable, and those of you who proudly shout about your BPCA qualifications should know how to carry out a COSHH assesment prior to use, and when you have done that, you should know that you should use the least toxic method (trapping) first. When it comes to which is the better product, for my money its Talunex. Its safer to use, and it goes further. As someone else has also stated, it seems to go off quicke
  13. Try a product called OA2Ki. Its a natural product based on either coconut oil (the liquid) or diatious earth (the powder form). Its a non-pesicide pesticide (if that makes any sense) and is exempt from the COPR. Do a google, and you will find a supplier.
  14. Where are you based? Drop me a PM as I have some vacancies at the moment. Take it from someone who has done it - work for someone else first. I've seen em come, and I've seen em go. I wish I had worked for someone else first!
  15. That was THE book! Bugger, what happened there matey? Drop me an e-mail - I'm gutted.
  16. That's the one! Thanks, Matt Brilliant to see ye aboard, by the way, mate! I reckon you'll spice the place up a bit and provide some good insightful contribution Thanks fenny. Ultra bait is THE dogs. Any news on the book? It looks like there's some good folks on here, I look forward to contributing.
  17. I rate the standard AF rat box very highly. They dont gather water, you can use traps, drinkers, trays and an amazing 16 contrac blocks in them. To stop them getting nicked, either fix a screw through the base into the ground, or anchor them using steel cable. KG do the cable and crimps. If you need a high security option, try the Ultra bait made by ratpack, and available through all the leading suppliers. We charge £45 each for these, the equivilent (but not as good) from anotheR company sell to customers for upto £165 each (so I am reliably informed). Whatever you choose to
  18. Hello! Nice forum. Some of you may already know me from other places........ Originally from N Devon, now living in central southern england. 19 years in pestcontrol - spent most of my childhood, and all of my working life killing stuff.......... Matt
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