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mr moocher

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Everything posted by mr moocher

  1. Few pictures of cain 22 mths old
  2. Good f***ing job sick b*****d
  3. Had chinese takeaway it was very nice
  4. He was only young sent me into nut house for a mth
  5. My dad suffered all his life he ended up with cancer of the throat it killed. Him horrible death
  6. Yeah was a big male pup shes put on a lot of weight since i got her needed it tbh
  7. i did not own her then ill soon get her in shape
  8. sh had one pup in a accidental mating shes only seventeen mths shes hines
  9. This is my new bitch chyna thanks for looking
  10. Kids gave me cash to buy a. Few leather sport collars with handles for the dogs waiting for them
  11. same here listening to burning sphere live having a. Toke
  12. Out with the dogs in the middle of the night no one about
  13. f***ing david lammy and diane abbot just seeing them makes my blood boil
  14. Could be food related try raw diet orr a good. Dry diet wheat and grain free if you try that and its still the same could be bad breeding i use arden. Grange fish and potatoe and feed them chicken works for me
  15. Nice one i miss my bull/grey not prolific but good fun
  16. one step beyond madness still. Love this song good old daysy
  17. Part of my yards fencing has come down
  18. mr moocher


    greb is not on here he hs a good instagram page where he slags off most of the clowns on here he follows my insta page i thought greb was funny now i know who he is hes sound
  19. my sons. Pal. Has a cocker spaniel proper hypo id have a working one great little dogs
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