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mr moocher

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Everything posted by mr moocher

  1. they came to mine with a warrent demanding to know how my dog had a busted jaw,like i said car accident when my vet confirmed it i told her to f**k off,i gave someone a dog and they reported me,my vet hates the rspca and so do i fu-king idiots she hated it
  2. i know what you mean i was pig sick totally unexpected she was full of life
  3. nice one bangers pups coming on well,my old stafford ran til she dropped she was only 8 cancer great little dogs
  4. apparently the man was walking the xl bully and had a fit any dog with drive would do the same,i remember when a lady in france had a fit and her labrador tore her face off trying to wake her,she had a face transplant
  5. fuc--ng scumbag will get whats coming to him on 43s hes gotta watch his back for life,hopefully they will get to him
  6. cannabis has been around for thousands of years and it aint going away
  7. i wouldnot say poisening any ones dog is the way to go,says a lot about any scum bag who would do that,they would be likely to call the police on you jmho.they will be registered something has to happen,i dont like them they are a bandogge of sorts but not a true bandogge that is only neopolitan x pit so no wonder they are biting people
  8. looking good glad hes come on,i look forward to hearing how he does atb
  9. im listening to van morrison chilling before me and the dogs hit the road
  10. ive been running mine at 3 in the morning like you said way to hot nice dogs
  11. i cant see what harm it does,i know someone who swears by it and their dogs are in excellent condition
  12. not all bull breeds are a speacialised tool,ive had bull breeds all my life no problems ,pitbulls,bandogs and bulldogs,its idiots that aint got a clue,ive raised 4 kids around them,common sense tells you not to leave kids alone with dogs,any dog and what really pisses me off is owners who think their kids can jump all over dogs and pull them about i taught mine to respect my dogs,the only problems ive had is fighting,but if you own bull breeds fighting comes with the turf,most bull breeds are piles of sh-t and not bred for purpose
  13. mine got fans on them i walk them early hours in this weather,
  14. i use clulite for convenience,ive caught plenty of rabbits and charlie on it good little lamps i also have a stryker
  15. just an update after getting a second opinion the vet said it is not malignant,they cant operate but ,the vet said they could tie it off if it gets to big,it will kill him eventually,but they can prolong his life,i have no need to freeze his semen now,i have a mating im doing in france to a working bitch,and ive bought a pup which is coming early next year,fresh blood,mum and dad to my pup are working and putting dinner on the table,
  16. mr moocher


    one of my favorite films godfather rip
  17. i just drank and smoked weed helped me
  18. i liked pappion and banco,i read the rats and the lair when i was younger i enjoyed them too
  19. there is an old school breeder from france on youtube i think its called valhale ill check im subscribed
  20. thanks i didnot want to get my pup back and have problems
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